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Why is it so dark?

Oh my God, have I gone blind?

The clear dark gray haze I saw in my vision was opposite of the blinding light described by people who have claimed to see haven. The pulsing that kept to the beat of my heart rang behind my eyelids. Ive never experienced this type of delirium in my life. I felt this weight on my chest of expectance as if my body could see the future and predict.....


Like the shot heard around the world, the shot was still vibrating through the warehouse. Matt sprang out of the couch to fall onto his hands and knees in front of someone who was a couple of feet away. The icepack which layed on his forehead now lay next to his right knee, shaking his head to clear his mind matt looked at the stranger. Standing in his view was a six foot man with a scowl on his face and a shotgun in his hands raised and aimed at matt.

Slowly moving the gun closer to Matt's face he said, "Prick get ya ass up, its bout two in the afternoon. Waistin daylight." He shoved Matt off balance then retracted to walk over to the door.

Still on the floor sat matt with the most quizzical expression on his face, he couldn't remember anything from the day before but he somehow woke up in a warehouse with a gun to his face. Then in a flash the memories came flooding into his brain, his grandfather beating him and getting shoved into the trunk. Then he remembered getting thrown out of the trunk to face plant on pavement. Deciding to figure out how he ended up here, he pushed to his feet kicking aside the icepack and shoving the blanket off his back. Walking over slowly still trying to regain his balance and consciousness he made it to the door to open the door. He could here the muffled sounds of bullets firing from a barrel and the aroma of gun fire seeping through the crack in the door. Through the crack matt peeped on the men he considered just guards for his grandfather but now he saw them for what they are.

Standing aligned in a row all facing toward each of there targets, the small room reverberated the loud ring of the guns. The weapons in their hands ranged from machine guns to simple shotguns. Collecting any sort of bravery he possessed matt pushed the door open to walk through. Before his foot crossed over the threshold all eight me turned in one swift motion with their weapons pointed squarely on Matt.

Doing the most instinctive move he knew from watching so many films Matt raised both his hands up and sank to his knees. This exchange happened in a matter of seconds but just as quickly it started with one man laughing still with his weapon held high then they all joined in.

They all exchanged looks when a moment of silence descended before they started laughing all over again, "That made my day right there." One of the men said while lowering his weapon which was the signal the rest needed. Looking up finally after the fear subsided Matt saw most of the men hunched over laughing while the others looked at him like he was an idiot. Feeling embarrassed and humiliated Matt quickly went to his feet and crossed his arms over his chest.

"That wasn't funny." He argued.

The men were all still standing there with the clear expression of mirth on their faces. Some of the men after a look at Matt's embarrassed face returned back to their station but dour men still stood in front of him. He knew them only as his grandfather's guards but now he saw them in a totally new light.


Where the hell is Matt? Emma thought.

Yesterday I returned how to an empty house but I just assumed that Matt needed the time apart to sort out his feelings. But twenty hours later here I sit in bed at dice o'clock in the morning still waiting. My head hurt from the countless of hours o spent trying to figure out a way to get Matt to help me.

I could blackmail him, but after all of this I couldn't be thinking like that. I took five years of the mans life, I couldn't add blackmail to my list of sins. But all of this was for my freedom, Matt might not see that right now but he will soon. He doesn't know my full background , how I was raised by a nurse through my toddler years until she decided to kidnap me from my family. How over the course of ten years she raised me as her daughter, showed me the meaning of life, and all the hidden corners of the world. She also showed me her home town in Russia where she sold me to my captor, she sold me for 50,000 dollars and disappeared right after the check was handed over. Living with the horrible man and his three sons was hell on earth in all literal sense if the words. But my personal hell ended when the man died and I finally got the chance to run away. At the age of 20 I made it to america and found my new identity, Emma Jones.

The only way to get out if this sutution I'm in before they figure out who I really am I need to get down to business. I've made it this far in life without help, I can do this without Matt. I known that when I kill Paul Matt with forever hate me but if he truly does love me then he will understand.

Shoving the blankets off of me I rill out bed and walk downstairs into the arsenal I created without matt's knowledge. In the arsenal lay may trusted weapon my glock and shotguns and military grade weapons. Picking up my glock I load it up and walk back to the kitchen.
With Matt not returning the plans of my day have been decided, I'm finally going to visit that warehouse I always see Paul's bodyguards walking out of. I know fr a fact that has to be the lair or at least where they are holding Matt, I know he wouldn't do anything drastic without telling me.

Finally locking up the house I walk to my car while opening the trunk to store my duffel bag I feel a sting in my neck before everything goes dark.

..... POV

This bitch really gotta watch her back, she don't know the type of people lurking around.


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