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That's all I felt while my eyes adjusted to the dark trunk I was currently in. The smell of gas was very prominent in this trunk and I felt this stabbing pain in my calf every time I moved in this small space. Searching in the dark for the source my hand collided with a sharp corner. Feeling around the object I just guessed it to be a random box, I know in my trunk I have a first aid kit. But I don't believe that criminals would take such safe measures. Thinking about criminals brought me back to what happened to me not twenty minutes ago.

My sweet old loving grandfather is a criminal. It couldn't get any more real now.After he pulled a gun on me and proceeded to bash my face with it, this all just proved how much of a ruthless man he is. The fact that he would beat his own grandson amazed me, from the movies I've seen I believed that the mafia thought of family as the highest order.

I heard a loud snapping noise followed by a crash which brought me out of my daze. The faint sound of the heel of a boot walking on gravel came closer and closer to my prison. Pulling my useless fists in front of my face for some sort of protection I listened closely while the mysterious person on the other side put the key in.

The audible click of the key turning signaling that the trunk can be open I was met with a blow to my head which caused me to go unconscious.


This idiot looking at the boss's grandson I can not believe I'm about to be working for a moron such as himself. I really believed that boss would leave his empire to me when he retired, as his trusted right hand man I was taught everything to know about the business. Years of loyalty and hard work for the man and now he wants to give the throne to Matt.

Of all people.

Taking a hold of his arms I drag his upper body out of the trunk slowly but I lose my grip which results in him slamming his head on the concrete while his legs are still in the trunk.

Well he didn't say anything about bruises, he caused half of them any way. I thought.

Boss really did a number on Matt, usually boss has a thousand praises for his beloved grandson but for him to do this. Matt must have really crossed a line. Picking the fool off he ground I slung him over my shoulder and walked to the elevator still grumbling.

Over the years I've had so many questions on why he hasn't figured us out yet. It wasn't like he didn't live right above our organization, and in his younger years he sat through some lively meetings. You'd think he would remember seeing his grandfather kill a man, but he was only nine then.

The elevator dinged to our level and after the doors opened I threw him on the ground and took a hand to drag him over to the rest of the guys. These men and I have worked for this family for over two decades, i do not know how they will respond when they hear of boss trying to pass the title to Matt. In Matt's eyes he believed that we were just extra help for his grandfather. Looking at my men I can't wait for them to realize that they'll be working for the idiot.

Walking over to Michael I put a hand on his shoulder to get his attention, "get the kid some water, and put him on the couch would you?"

Shaking his head in agreement he walked off in the direction of the kitchen, in the warehouse there were about ten men living here while most of us had a family. Personally I have a daughter and a son to protect, their mother sadly died during their birth and I have been raising them by myself for five years. Moving to D.C. was a big decision I made at the age of twenty four, leaving my very helpful mother and brothers. I went off on my own and looking back now I'm very proud of my new found independence. I'm proud of how I've raised my twins and the only thing I regret is getting into this horrific business, but I owed Paul my life and he gave me a job. A job that has given me a group of amazing loyal friends and the means to provide my family with stability. Looking around my brethren I can't believe its been four years since we've met but the time for reminiscing is over.

We've got a boy to turn into a man.


who chooses this horrible music I thought in the elevator. Standing in the middle between six of my bodyguards in this cramp metal death trap. As an experienced man whose been on this earth long before this death trap was invented and I don't know why it was invented. The stairs are not the death of our nations, just these lazy children of now who can't make it up a flight of stairs.

Looking at these men I still don't understand why I need over six men to ride in an elevator, much less this crowded small one.

Ding went the elevator. Finally I thought, walking through the guards I walk over to my most trusted man Daniel McAlister, an Irish boy I saved from an abusive single parent who was beating him from the ages of six to ten before I stepped in. I'm known for my ruthlessness but a man can not stand by while an innocent child has to go through that. I took him in to live amongst my men and he now works for me, he has the title of my trusted left hand man. Walking over to him passing between my other men, I walk up to him to grab him behind the neck to lightly tap our foreheads together, "how are you son?" I ask.

I feel his hands on my shoulders tightly hanging on, "yes father thank you for asking, how was your morning?" Slowly pulling back his head he looking me straight in the eyes with his golden hazel green eyes. I remember his parents weren't Irish so I never got down to who were his actaul parents, but one day we would both go on a journey.

Dropping my arm I turn to look my right hand man in the eyes while I said, " had a lovely chat with my grandson this morning, the boy got himself what he deserved after what he did." My statement brought on this deadly silence I knew would proceed after, my men know I do not take disrespect kindly.

Walking to the couch I see Matt laying with an icepack on his head, "what happened to the boy?" I asked.

Behind me I heard a chorus of "nothing" and "he came like that sir" which I knew were not true but I wasn't in the least sympathetic for Matt. He'll go through much worse by the time I'll be done with him. Taking my piece out I slam it on the table and walk over to my office, behind me I heard footsteps walking to where I stood picking up my piece.

That was my day piece but I have work to do in my office. Walking in I kick my door closed with my foot, my work has been lagging since I've taken up this idea of making Matt my successor.


This painful aching stabbing sensation in my brain was killing me.
Every part of body felt like a dull throb when I tried to move. Even the insides of my eyelids were in pain and my only wish was to never so I wouldn't have to acknowledge the pain right now. Maybe in 20 years.

Taking a deep breath which hurt so much, I stretched my arm up to my forehead to feel the dried blood and bump that was starting to form. Deciding to just endure all the pain at once I gripped the armrests on this chair and pushed upward.

The cracking noises and my scream of agony made me lose my grip and crumble to the ground in almost silent whimpers. In the far distance I heard the clicking of boots hitting cement floor until the boots stopped next to my feet. Pulling my head up by following with my eyes the length of this person, I make eye contact with Paul.



Constantly angry.


Fear spread through my vein to the point that I started to crawl on my hands and knees away because of the adrenaline. There he stood in his navy three piece suit with his coiffed hair and sliver gun in hand with his legs shoulder width apart.


Is this really all going to this pussy?

Walking close enough to squat right in front of this little boy who was about to pee his pants, I put my trusted Peggy right up to his face to say "boy you'bout to become real good friends with old Betty here."

Getting up from my position I slowly walk away while chuckling to myself. This boy's in for a rude awakening I thought.


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