Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

                My fingers ran over the spines of each book, I tried my best to look for something that would help with my inability to read Shakespeare. But my mind was still glued to everything that has happened. I still didn’t understand it. I still didn’t get why I was hearing things, seeing things, and... doing things.

                I shook my head. I knew I couldn’t tell myself it was nothing, yet what was I to do? It’s not like I can ask someone what was wrong with me, without being sent to an asylum! For all I knew I was being haunted! Now that’s crazy...

                My finger stopped against a spine of a book. Dropping my hand, I took a breath. Maybe I was...what if I am!? The least I could do was check, right?

                Quickly and of course quietly I made my over to the...well I didn’t where exactly to start, so I decided to head for the mystery section. There was nothing but titles of non-fiction stories, and useless facts. Frustrated I left the aisle and made a thoughtless turn towards the science fiction section. My eyes scanned the shelves. Anything with the title that read “ghost” or “haunted” is what I was hoping to find.

                Then within seconds I found something, “Stories of the Haunted”. I wasn’t exactly sure if this would help, but if anything maybe these “stories” could say something.

                I took the book towards a table and slammed in the seat. My heart was racing, what if I was haunted? Or worse, what if I wasn’t...what would I be then? What would I do?

                Flipping the cover open, I traced the words written in the content. My eyes then fell on a sub-title “Voices”. Quickly I read the story. It was about a woman who heard voices in her head for more than three years. They called out to her and asked her to do things. You know the basics of a haunting story. Yet at the end, she found out they weren’t ghost at all. Instead they were demons; she even believed the voices were from the devil.

                “Hey!” I jumped from my seat as I looked up.

                Lifting my eyes from my page I gazed in front of me. “Jesse...” I grumbled.

                “What are you reading there?” He asked.

                I shut the book closed and flipped it, hiding the cover.

                “What are you doing here?!” I huffed.

                He lifted his wrist to his face. “It’s 2:45. School’s out, I came to study.”

                “Well go study!”

                “I would, but you were here.”

                I stared at him.

                “So I didn’t catch your name...”

                “I never threw it.”

                He smiled. “Well then grumps, what are you up to?”


                Laughing he said. “I’m forced to call you that if I don’t get your n-”

                “Lucia,” I grumbled.

                “Oh, so grumpy does have a name!”

                Rolling my eyes I began to get up.

                “Look, I don’t understand why you’re being like this.”   

                I whipped my head around to face him. “I never wanted to talk to you, I don’t want to talk to you and I don’t think I ever will...”

                His shoulders slumped.

                “Look, I’m busy okay, so go do your studying...”

                As I began to walk I heard footsteps behind me. Was he following me?

                Slowly I made my way back to the aisle where I found my book, but I still felt someone behind me.

                “Stop following me Jesse...” I whispered.

                Yet the footsteps still came.


                I slowed to almost a halt.


                “STOP!!” I yelled feeling my hair burn.

                I turned around finding nothing but stares from people afar. Jesse was still at the table, sitting.

                Swallowing my anger I quickly sprinted away, as I ran my fingers through my hair trying to conceal the red.


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