Chapter 40

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Chapter 40

                I felt my face grow red, and my eyes becoming blood shot. His words hurt, his actions pissed me off, but his attitude drove me towards the edge. How insanely, crazy, and completely arrogant he was!! Anger filled me from my toes to the tips of my hair, and before I knew it my hands were firmly grasped around his wrist. In an instant I watched Lucifer’s body slam against the ground a couple feet away from me. My hands flung to my sore neck as my eyes darted towards Lucifer furiously rising.

                “Oh the nerve you have Lucia...” He snarled.

                The nerve I have?! The nerve I have!!

                “What are you going to do to me? Hmm Lucia?”

                I pressed my lips hard and watched the world around us turn darker, the trees, wherever this room was in, swayed harshly against the wind.

                Lucifer took a step closer. “In all honesty you think you can over throw me?”

                My breath started to grow shallow, and my eyes flew back and forth towards him and the door. Lucifer didn’t say anything else; instead he shook his head in amusement, and let out a shrilling laugh. The sound ringed through my ears and my head titled up to meet his face. His eyes glared through me, and his lips were smeared into a harsh grin.

                There wasn’t time to think, and react. I had to do something. But what?!!!

                My eyes slowly moved to where I last saw Jesse. He was still on the ground, but his attention was towards me. When he caught my gaze, I flung my eyes towards the door. Hopefully he got the hint.

                “Lucia...” He cruelly stated, his one voice slowly forming into many. “Just let this go...and come with me.”

                “No.” Swiftly I tried my best to sprint towards the open door. By the time Jesse and I crossed over, I harshly shut the door behind me.

                “What are you going to do Lucia?” Jesse gasped.

                I shrugged.

                “Where are we going to go? Do you have a plan? Do you know what you’re doing?!”

                “NO I DON’T,” I snarled. “But just trust me alright.”

                He took a step back as I frantically grasped my hair. What was I going to do?! Run and run till I found a dead end to one of these halls?! Pray to God he didn’t find us?! Where was this Holy Man anyways?! What kind of forgiving sympathetic person would just leave a girl and boy running in hell!!! No one walking on earth knows we’re here, and even if they did, they would never in their right minds die just to get us. Jesse and I were completely on our own.

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