Chapter 21

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Author's note

Hey readers!! :p Sorry this one is a little "quiet" compared to a lot of the chaos that has lately been happening in previous chapters! But trust me friends, it might not stay quite for long! So please enjoy this one on one bonding with the two friends while you can! :)


Chapter 21

                I wasn’t sure what happened after my fit. All I knew was that I had fallen asleep very quickly. And when I woke up, Jesse was fiddling around with what I assumed was an apple.

                “What’s that?” I groaned.

                Looking up he smiled as he turned back to his dish. “Breakfast,”

                I laughed, “Where’s mine?”

                A small chuckle came from him as he pointed towards the night stand beside me. When I turned I found a tray that resembled a baby dish, divided into two small squares and a large rectangle. Beside it was a glass of orange juice.

                “Delish...” I mumbled.

                With a struggling stretch I managed to grab the dish, filled with scrambled eggs, a fruit salad and two slices of toast. Digging in to the eggs first, I couldn’t help but see that Jesse was really eyeing the apple.

                “What’s wrong,” I muffled through a full mouth. “With the apple?”

                He shrugged, “Nothing really just that-oh Lucia...”

                Confused I looked down at where his eyes were. My nose was beginning to bleed. Too stunned to move I just stared down. Suddenly a hand came to my face with a tissue. Jesse gestured for me to hold my head up as he took my hand and brought it to my nose.

                “Thanks,” I said my voice sounding nasally.

                With a laugh he went back to the arm chair, only to drag it closer to the side of the bed.

                “So, are you going to eat that apple?” I laughed as I dabbed out the last bit of blood.

                “Yah,” He chuckled. Only he didn’t, instead he turned it around in his finger tips.

                “What’s so interesting about the apple?”

                With a smirk he stated. “My Nana used to make apple pie.”

                I smiled. “Oh yah?”

                “Yah, I used to call her Nana Apple...”

                When he said that I couldn’t help but snort out a laugh, I couldn’t imagine Jesse now saying that. Yet when he rolled his eyes, I tried hard to muffle the laugh by shoving a bite of toast in my mouth.

                “I miss apple pie...”

                “What happened?”

                With a slight mournful smile he spoke. “She stopped...I don’t know. Well,” He paused awkwardly trying to avoid eye contact. “My mother, she only died when I was around two in a car crash.”

                I nodded as my heart shattering a little.

                “My dad I guess he kind of died too when she did. I don’t remember much about him, but I know this much: he couldn’t bear to look at me...He was always in his room, or ‘at work’.”

                My heart went out to him. I didn’t know how it felt like to have your dad just not pay attention, but I knew how it was like to go day by day without one.

                “So sooner or later he just sent me to my grandmother. She always made apple pies,” he chuckled. “She knew it made me feel better. Apparently when my dad was not the living dead, he liked her pies too.”

                A grin came to my face.

                “But my dad was just...stupid. He was always so damn drunk!! The time came when he died too...”

                I let out a long sigh; I hadn’t given him much credit for trying to understand me.

                “So Nana just stopped making pies...” Jesse let out a small chuckle, as if the ending was the most cliché thing, he laughed like it was a predictable yet comedic ending.

                My gaze looked down, the uncomfortable silence looming over. But it linked us, in some weird ‘all our loved ones are dead’ way. I reached for his hand giving him a reassuring squeeze.

                “If you don’t care much for me,” I whispered “That’s okay, as long as you know that at least someone cares for you...”

                I laughed as he grinned and rolled his eyes, remembering exactly where I got that line. “That’s very nice to know.” He nodded.

                With a smile I turned away and looked out the window, the sky was blue with the slightest hint of orange, and there were no clouds in view. Everything actually seemed good, and at peace. Then there was something inside me that felt...warm almost. However it wasn’t like the burning sensation that occurred every time I felt scared, or angry. No this time it felt nice. I felt happy. For once in this dreadful nightmare, I didn’t feel quite alone.

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