Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

                I stared at myself in my bedroom mirror, my red strands were gone. As I gazed at the reflection I couldn't help but wonder why. Why me? Suddenly a knock came at the door.

                "Lucia," My mother whispered. "I'll grab your things from your locker tomorrow alright? Then I'll stop by the District Education Board after. But tonight you rest up."

                I smiled her way, as she closed the door. I still didn't understand. My mind just couldn't wrap around the fact that I could cause damage that didn't leave one imprint of memory in my head. I just didn't understand.

                As I backed away from the mirror I felt a cold chill pass me.  Spinning around I saw nothing. As I turned back towards the mirror I spotted a reflection. A man, his hair black and his skin pale. Then he was gone.


                "Mom," I whispered as she flipped through my calculus textbook.

                She looked up for a moment before turning back down. "Yah?"

                "What's the matter with me?"

                Finally she placed the book down and reached for my hand. "I don't know...But you have been doing these, uh, things, for a while."

                She always said that, the same sentence every damn time. I shook my head. "No mom, really, what's wrong with me."

                Squeezing my hand she humbly whispered. "I really don't know."

                As I pulled my hand away she turned back to the textbook. I had to figure out what the hell was wrong with me. It had to be something...Mercury? Cancer? Tumour? Kryptonite?

                "Lucia," My mother called out. "Page 12 to 13, questions 1 to 23, okay?"

                I let out a groan. "Okay..."

                With a smile she got up and headed for the kitchen. "Tell me if you have any questions!!"

                As I stared at the numbers they began to move. Shift. I rubbed my eyes. Suddenly the words were normal. I took a deep breath before turned to my binder. 'Question 1' I wrote. When I looked back at the textbook, scanning for the question I realized the texts were moving again. Mesmerized, I watched as they began to form a word? No a sentence?

                "Lucia, you are mine." It read.

                A voice then echoed in my ears, saying the exact same phrase. "Lucia, you are mine. Lucia, you are mine. Lucia, you are mine!"

                I shut the book closed.


                Slowly but finally Saturday arrived. Mom had to leave to cover a friend's shift at the diner. I still didn't understand why she still worked. She told me when I was little she won the lottery; 12.5 million, on a Friday morning.

                Sitting in front of the TV, I began to stretch. I need to get out of the house. So, quickly I wrote a short note to my mother, posted it on the fridge and headed out the door.

                I began to walk down the street not exactly sure where I wanted to go. I couldn't go to a crowded place knowing people from school would be there. Instead I headed towards the subway. I'd just leap off a random stop and go from there. As I sat down I looked around me. Part of me was praying that no one I knew was there. The other part really didn't care.

                When the train began to slow to the third stop I stood up. Without notice a man ran into me pushing me to the ground. I struggled to get up, embarrassed by the fall. Slowly I could feel my hair burn. Damn it, I couldn't let this happen!

                "Move it!" The man yelled from behind me.

                Quickly I got up, "S-sorry."

                He glared at me. "Don't say sorry; just get out of my way!"

                My hair began to flame.

                "Lord, do you understand English?! Move it fat ass!"

                I tried to calm down, but it was too late...

                "Shit...What's with your h-"

                Taking a step forward I said. "You know you're really quite the asshole," I laughed. "You're like number one of all assholes!!"

                "W-watch yourself little girl..."He stammered.

                I rolled my eyes. "No, Mister. You should really watch yourself. With that attitude, someone could really hurt you."

                He chuckled. "Oh who, you?"

                I sighed. "How old are you sir?"

                "29," He laughed in disbelief.

                "Oh that's good." I snickered.   

                Confused he scrunched his face. "Why?"

                Slowly I lifted my hand towards his neck as I said. "Because then, I wouldn't be hurting a senior."

                With that I tightened my hand before flinging him across the train. People were screaming others around me ran deeper into the train, apologizing continuously as they moved past me.


                Suddenly I looked around me. My hands were in tight balls of fist. My head was crimson, and people were staring. I looked to the fallen people that were ahead of me, a man was slowly standing up, his hands grasping his head. He was bleeding. Did I do that?

                Swiftly I turned around and attempted to run, only to crash into someone.

                "Sorry," I mumbled as he helped me off of him.

                When we stood I looked at him. His face was young...his eyes were looking into mine. I felt a shiver up my spine. Apologizing again I slowly peeled my shoulders off his hands and ran towards the exit.

                As I reached the last steps I turned back towards the subway, someone was running after me Was it security? Probably, but I couldn't take a chance. So instead of waiting to see, I ran straight ahead, blending into the crowded street.

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