Caught - by: mychemicalbuttt

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Hey guys!

It's me!

I know, I know - I haven't been on here for eons! And I am so so sorry - you can proceed with tomato throwing now!

There is, however, only good news from now on! Updates should be fairly frequent! I was debating with myself whether or not I should keep "Igniting a match from Water" Or delete it, and finally I decided I wouldn't only keep it, but I'd start updating it again. And the biggest surprise is... *drum roll please* THIS BRAND NEW STORY!

So I had a total lightbulb moment in my brain and for some reason, what I think is a great plot came out and now BOOM!

Just for some special info about this book, I've already got the entire thing planned, chapter by chapter. This means that I won't be likely to get writers block or have any excuses NOT to write.

Before I give you the description, I'd just like to say THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for your support on this! Anything and everything you guys do for me is appreciated! Let me know what you think about it and remember! My inbox is always open if you need help with anything in your life :)


She tightened the grip on the knife, which lay heavy in her hands. Just one clean sweep through his throat and it would be over.

He swivelled around just as she raised the polished blade. "Can I help you?"


"Is that a knife?" He asked in disbelief.

Her sassy side took over. "What else would it be jackass, a unicorn? 10 points to you, you can recognize a blade! Now hold still while I slit your throat..."


Andy Biersack doesn't even know there's a price on his head before he meets fiesty Hayley Barden, the assassin who has been paid to kill him.

Before either of them know it, they're in a tangle of love and destruction and it all starts with Hayley being CAUGHT.

So yeah! I hope you like this!

Lots of love forever and always,

your fallen angel

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