Chapter 14: cryptic notes

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//Andy POV//

When Andy woke after that long, sleepless night after the fight, he was exhausted physically. But mentally his mind couldn't be halted. He was hyper aware of everything. Paranoia wracked his brain. He was desperate to find Hayley. He was technically missing so if he went to the police station, they would report him. He'd have to answer questions. He'd be in the public eye for months on end! He couldn't deal with this now. The first priority was finding Hayley.

His coming out as pansexual seemed so long ago now. He had seen on social media that some believed Andy had committed suicide because his coming out was too traumatic. To be honest, it wasn't like this at all. Hayley knew about it all, but she didn't make it a huge topic of conversation or damn him for it. She accepted it as who he was and she was cool about it. That's how he hoped the rest of the world dealt with it! Hayley was like his messiah. Even though she tried to kill him, she helped him to see what truly mattered and what true friendships were about. Andy couldn't let anything happen to her. He could only imagine what living in a prison cell would be like.

But if he arrived there, he would be taken into custody at least, he would be questioned and they would tell the whole world where he was and who he was trying to bail out. What was he supposed to do? It was a crazy game of who wouldn't be caught first.

But in this game, Hayley had already lost once. Andy refused to lose her forever.

He decided that no matter what the consequences for him, he would get Hayley out of there. No matter what. He refused to be a whining slob of tears anymore. That wouldn't help Hayley at all.

He envisioned her, in all of her bravery and unwavering courage. She was amazing. He was so envious of her bright aura of confidence. For this final mission, he was going to have to channel that. He was not a weakling. He was not a crybaby. And most of all, he would not give up.


Andy walked to the police station, his feet pounding the ground harshly. He had to keep his confidence. He couldn't revert to the same person he was last night, praying to gods that he didn't even believe in. He had to walk strong and get things done himself. Just like Hayley would.

He walked up the steps and imagined Hayley in the cell, wondering if he would come. He imagined her there, wondering for how long she would remain. He continued up the steps.

He opened the doors and there sat a mousy brown haired, looking panicked and overwhelmed. Just keep it cool Andy he said to himself.

She looked up with an alarmed expression as he approached the desk. "W-what can I help you with s-sir?"

Andy looked her straight in the eyes with an unwavering stare. "I came to bail somebody who is falsely accused out."

She smiled a crooked smile. "Um, alright, I'll j-just call our lead detective i-in !"

He waited, his fingers tapping against his leg impatiently. This waiting was putting him on edge. He began pacing the room and counting his footsteps. That calmed him down.

He had counted to 639 by the time the lead detective had returned. He looked up and returned to the desk where they both spoke at the same time.

"I need to bail out my friend!"

"Your friend isn't here!"

He stared up at her, unblinking. "Excuse me?"

She swallowed hard. "Look, I'm sorry! None of us here no how it happened! Two of our inmates are dead and-"

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