Chapter 16: blood, blood, gallons of the stuff

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//Andy POV//

"All aboard flight 36C to Honolulu, Hawaii must board in 30 minutes," boomed the huge voice over the speaker in the busy airport. He could barely wait. He tapped his feet, wiggled his toes, cracked his knuckles and ground his teeth as he waited for the plane. He could barely contain himself - he couldn't believe what was happening. Since the moment Hayley was hauled off by the police, Andy was in a dream-like state that felt like he was watching his life in slow motion. It was like watching a terrifying movie play out. He needed to get to Hawaii. He needed to find her and make sure she was okay. Or at least save her if she wasn't. In this moment, he felt as useless as stupid Dhavie Vanity.

He hurried to the gate due for Hawaii and waited impatiently by the seats, too anxious to sit down. He felt like he was about to explode with nervous energy. It felt like his prom back in high school; he had to go with a girl even though Frank had been his boyfriend, because his dad would've surely killed him for having interest in boys. He felt the same things this time; terrible, nervous and dreading what was about to happen. In that case, it was an uncomfortable couple's dance. In this case, it was finding Hayley dead.

He boarded the plane and as the sweet flight attendants wished him 'a great flight!', he shivered. He couldn't remember what a life without anxiety was. His worries were through the roof and every waking moment since the second Hayley was taken away was a battle, another anxiety and on top of that an unhealthy amount of paranoia. He could barely function. Only one thing was on his mind.


"I have to find her," he continually whispered to himself under his breath throughout the flight. ", I have to find her."

When the plane touched down, it was a bittersweet feeling. Though Andy needed to know what had happened to Hayley, he was also scared. So, so scared. He couldn't bear to see her in pain.

He collected his bags and could barely put his head down again until a girl on the other side of the luggage belt cried out: "Is that Andy Biersack?".

Half of the teenage crowd erupted. Some screeched, running towards him. He turned away and asked for help from airport security before locking himself in the bathroom. The stall was a sad, sad blue colour and the floor was grimy with traces of dirt. He sank to the ground and cried.

He had so much to cry about, about Hayley in particular. But seeing his fans. Fuck, that was too much for his frail spirit. He remembered like a distant memory his old life. Traces of it. The joy from singing. The infinite feeling he had when his fans cried out for him, when they smiled at him. His old life was the sweetest deal Andy could want.

Until Hayley came.

Andy couldn't be happier he met her. But then again, would he be on this path right now, and would she be on this path if it wasn't for him meeting her? Did fate cross their paths for a reason? Or was the world right; was fate fake? A made up action to make us pretend our lives were going according to some kind of plan?

Andy cried and cried until his eyes were red and raw. His shirt was stained with the hot, wet tears from his eyes, more evidence of his current fragility. He couldn't be like this when he found her. She would count on him. He needed to be strong.

He needed to be strong for Hayley.

He stood up, and took a deep breath. He stood in front of the toilet, staring at the wall with hard eyes. "My name is Andy, and I can fucking do this."

He stepped out and saw a guy staring at him with a perplexed look on his face. He flipped him off and left the bathroom, trekking straight into a taxi to avoid crowds. He cut to the front of the line and stepped into the yellow car. The tall driver looked back at him.

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⏰ Última actualización: Jul 19, 2016 ⏰

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