Chapter 8: Breaking cellphones and commiting crimes Chapter 8:

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\\ Andy POV \\

Andy couldn't believe himself. Not one bit. Hell, he'd believe that Donald Trump was an intelligent person before he'd believe what the fuck he just did.

Firstly, beating up a woman. Granted, she wasn't defenceless and had initially tried to kill him first, but he tried to ignore those minor details to make it easier for his morality to handle. Plus, she was kind of a bitch. That helped his empathy to shut the hell up.

Secondly, promptly stealing a car and putting said woman in said car and driving away. At this point it was obvious to Andy that there was no going back. He assumed Hayley had had a lifetime of lying practice that she could use if he called the police, no doubt they'd arrest him for wrecking her face. Plus who would believe him? He lied about being straight his entire life and failed miserably when he made out full on with the pizza guy. The pizza guy. And he wasn't even that hot.

Thirdly, when he drove away, he was speeding. Enough said.

Fourthly, putting said woman on a motherfucking PRIVATE JET to Canada to live in the middle of nowhere. Why the fuck? Andy questioned where his mind was. Obviously no longer inside his head. At least he had the common sense to choose Canada. They had maple syrup and friendly beavers and shit. Everyone was nice. That was the ONE good decision he had made.

Fifth, Andy had essentially threatened her into taking up a deal which significantly benefitted him and gave her nothing but a little comfort money.

Sixth, it was surely illegal to be fucking stupid in some country somewhere. If so, he had broken the bloody law.

He looked up. "Take it or leave it".

Her face was deep in thought. Contemplating. She was good looking. But her face was constantly screwed up and had created worry lines crossing her skin. Her cheeks were littered with freckles and she had jet black hair. Most likely like her tar black soul. She had this weird constant look of disdain plastered on her mouth, and her eyebrows looked permanently turned down. It was her eyes though.

Her eyes were like these dark pits of despair, black holes swirling in the middle of her face. Those eyes were deadly and prepared to kill.

She looked up and sighed. "You're so naive, Andy. I mean you're literally named after a Toy Story character but I expected more from you! You've got some kind of education, right?"

His eyebrows knitted. "Yes, I've got a-"

"I literally don't care," she interrupted, continuing. "I'm just telling you it's not so easy to leave this job. My boss knows everything. Everything. It's not safe for me".

"We dug out the tracker, Hayley. You're just scared to take this opportunity. Make a decision". Said Andy, trying to sound brave and clear. He wasn't sure if it was working.

"I didn't even know I had a tracker"

"Me neither, Princess. What's your decision?"

She picked up three more pieces of pizza and enthusiastically shoved them into her mouth.

"You know what? I'm not scared. I'm not afraid of you, or my boss. I'm a strong independent woman, so from now on, I am your boss, Ballsack. You listen to me."


"And remember, I'm a world class assassin so don't do any dumb shit".

Andy nodded and raised his right hand to solidify the agreement. She smiled and took it, shaking it firmly before returning to her box of pizza.

"But just to be clear, you know who's giving you the money, right?"

"And you know who's giving you the protection, right? Calm down, Ballsack. It's all under control now! We're going to be a rootin', tootin' pizza-eating team! Smile a little!"

She laughed and then the smile quickly faded. "I may not like this, Andy, but it's my only realistic choice. I promise that I will not be the one to fuck it up. I hope you can promise the same".

Before Andy couldn't even open his mouth to respond, she had stood up on her crutches and left the room. God, she was a hurricane. If she hadn't come into his life, none of this would be happening. He sighed. Well, this was his reality now. He had to get through it, somehow.

So he decided to call Brendon.


"I need you to keep a secret, Bren"

He could hear Brendon's breathing on the other line quicken. "What happened Andy? They told me you were missing".

Andy held the phone and leaned against the walls of the airplane cabin, slouched over. Conversations like this tired him.

"Just keep a secret, Urie. Please. I'm going somewhere, but what I need you tell everyone is that I'm heading to Europe. Please"


"Bren? You're my best friend. Please do this, for me"

He heard a sigh. "Be safe Andy. Please. I love you"

"I love you too, Bren".

He felt someone's eyes on the back of his head and turned around.

"Jesus! Do you have to sneak up on me like that?" Andy jumped, dropping the phone on the ground.

Hayley picked it up. And threw it at the wall, crushing it.

Andy's arms flew up. "What the fuck Hayley?"

She turned to walk out the door and stopped and looked back. "Lesson number one, dumbass. Cellphones and numbers can be tracked. Destroy the evidence"

She left and Andy noticed she wasn't even on the crutches anymore. She was limping but still. Andy would recover from a wound like that within a week of crutches, at least. She was tough. There was no fooling her or attempting to kill her. Fuck. They just had to get along, or else. Andy sighed.

Why, oh, why did it have to be so hard for him? Why did she have to be such a royal bitch? Why?

And who the hell was trying to kill him?


Hope you guys enjoyed ^__^ okay but tell me honestly: who do you guys like better Andy or Hayley? Happy reading and love you all!!! Xox

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