Chapter 3: In which Hayley is a mess

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\\Hayley's POV\\

The room was dark. Filled with people but Hayley couldn't see anyone's face. Hayley didn't even know anyone here, except for Vic Fuentes and his cohort. She didn't even know why she came here anymore.

Maybe it was to forget. Maybe it was to drown so deep in her own sorrows that she might attract much needed attention. Maybe it was because she liked completely trashing her lungs whilst putting herself in complete danger by relying on strangers to keep her safe.

Maybe it was because she didn't know any other way than this.

Anyhow, she did it. She sat in this dank room, smoking her lungs the fuck out, drinking till she fainted and trying to forget what a shitty person she was.

Being an assassin wasn't all that it was cracked up to be. The money? Yes. That was even better than Hayley could have ever imagined. But the taking of lives?

It wasn't as simple as pulling the trigger. You either had to be completely heartless and without feelings, or you'd have to find a way to suppress those feelings somehow so they didn't rip you apart after the fact. It's not as easy as finding your target. Killing isn't an art. Art is beautiful. Killing is just... Disgusting.

She had no choice though. It wasn't as simple as pack your bags and leave. The assassination company would know that she knew their whereabouts, crucial information about them as well as past missions that police were still investigating. She had heard stories of people who were finished with killing, who were eventually assassinated themselves by the company's people. It wasn't a game. And it wasn't a one time thing.

If Hayley walked away from this, she would die.

So that's why she came here. Wasted off of so many different things, including her own guilt. She shook her head and grabbed another shot. She couldn't afford to think like this. It would tear her apart more than it already had.

Hayley thought about the first job she was given. Dead easy as far as assassination goes. She was sure the company was just testing her. But still. That day her hands had shaken so much on the gun that she fired a false shot before the second shot impaled his flesh. She lay on the ground beside his bleeding body for hours before she left. She hadn't hit him with a death shot, and she had to watch him die, slowly, beside her. Hayley couldn't get the image out of her head.

That's the first day that Hayley realized that she had left her old life behind. She wasn't the same Hayley anymore. When she looked in the mirror, the girl staring back looked like the old Hayley. She moved like the old Hayley. She sounded like her. But she wasn't. Not anymore.

A hand shot to her shoulder. She jumped back from the touch, her skin crawling.

She turned and saw Vic Fuentes' face staring back, grinning at her. This man didn't have a fucking care in the world. Hayley longed to be in his shoes for a day.

"I saw you smoking your fucking brains out earlier. You didn't even come to say hi! Is everything alright Hay?" He asked, his puppy dog eyes coming out.

"Fuck you Vic. If you want sex, don't come to me for it" She say sharply. The drinks are talking for her now.

Vic laughs. "I have a girlfriend Hay. You and I have never even kissed! I'm your friend. Friends check on each other to make sure they aren't O.D-ing or getting hurt!," he pauses and hugs her. ", I'll ask again; are you okay?"

She swallow hard and nod. He's a good friend. They've been friends since grade school. He knows... Everything about her. Except for her job.

"I'm okay. I'm just thinking 'hey, fuck danielle' I don't like Danielle," I'm slurring my words. ", have I fucking told you that, Victerrrr"

Danielle is Vic's girlfriend. She's a bitch.

"Hayley, now is not the time. You're drunk and high off your mind. Stay out of my shit while your messed up, please" he looks like he's thinking then he grabs her hand.

"Where are we going, V?"

"You're going to sit in my room and sleep for a little while. I'll check on you in a bit." He stops at the door and smiles. "Love you Kickass"

"Love you too Quick-Vic" She say, using their childhood superhero names. Those were the good old days. When our momma sang us to sleep. When happiness was easy, normal.

She groaned and let her head fall into the soft pillow. I'll just lie down for five minutes then I'll leave.

She's just about to sleep when her phone explodes in her pocket. It's the company.

All she receives is a text. A silent tear slides down her cheek when she sees the message.

"World famous musician Andy Biersack is playing tomorrow. You will assassinate him with a knife. Report back afterwards. Two million dollars"



Hey y'all!!! Thanks so much for reading and I really hope you guys like this??? Trust me it'll get much better, I just have to set the main storyline in order to make sure you know the characters, etc :) love you all and happy reading!!!


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