Chapter 6: Frank

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\\ Andy POV \\

Andy fucked up hugely. No, gigantically. No, celestially.

Frank Iero was a reminder of that. With his weird lip ring and obnoxious half smirk, Frank had won over Andy's heart years and years ago in his youth. Both of them too young and too dumb to know better, they were crazy with love. He and Frank had given each other everything. All of themselves.

Frank was Andy's first. First love, and first everything else.

Also the first person Andy put in danger. Not the last one either.


"I love you Frank Iero"

"I love you Andy Biersack"

Theirs mouths collided again and Andy felt like he was floating. Floating on some seriously hot sex air. Not that he quite knew what sex air was, since he hadn't don't it yet. But tonight, they would. Frank was the love of his life. He'd do anything for Frank. Anything.

His shirt came off as Frank hastily ripped it from his chest. He couldn't hold it back anymore.

"I need you Andy"

They undressed each other and Frank pulled away. Andy knitted his eyebrows. No. No. No. They couldn't stop now.

Frank bit his lip, twisting his lip ring around nervously. Andy grabbed at his neck and tried to pull him closer, but Frank stopped him.

"Are you sure... Your dad isn't going to come back?"

Andy sighed. Thank God. He thought it was something wrong with him. "Yes, baby. Don't worry. He told me their flight would be in in two days."

"One more thing," said Frank, staring lovingly into Andy's eyes. ", are you sure you're ready for... Me? For... All of me?"

Andy smiled. "I've never been so sure of anything in my life."


They lay together peacefully, exasperated but overjoyed. This was the best day of Andy's entire life. Frank was so beautiful. So beautiful.

He fell asleep only to be roused by screams so intense he could feel them inside his bones. His father.

No. He grabbed his temples. This couldn't be happening. No, no, no. He shook his head. He needed to do something. Frank was already gone. He prayed he was okay. Tears began streaming down his face. No. Not Frank. Anyone but Frank.

But Frank was already gone someway, somehow. And Andy knew he needed to leave too.

So he did.


Andy looked up at the long lost lover that stood in front of him. He never expected to see him again.

"You're still beautiful Frank. I'm sorry for what happened, for what I did."

Frank turned away and left. Just like Andy did those many years ago.

Andy later found out that his father had thrown a knife at Frank's face, ripped out his lip ring, mercilessly beat him to a pulp and broke both of his arms. Frank ran that night. To the hospital. On his own. Andy should've been there. But he wasn't. And he couldn't fix that now, no matter how much he wanted to.

Andy would forever be a failure in Frank's eyes. Forever.

Now that Frank was gone, there was nothing left to do but let go of the past. It was in, well, the past. Andy left that night from his home and didn't look back. Never again. Never again would he be beaten and controlled by his father. That was a vow he made himself all those years ago. He kept that vow today.

Andy headed outside. He had finished his show and was exhausted. After speaking with Frank he felt even worse. Plus his bladder was so fucking full he could've done like 10 pregnancy tests. Not that he needed to pregnancy tests or anything.

He walked to the bathroom and hears a stick crunch behind the building. His eyebrows furrowed. Was Frank waiting here to talk? To forgive him? To make amends? To let what's in the past stay in the past?

Andy was sure it was him. So sure that he spun around the corner and nearly went right into a gleaming knife held by a feisty looking woman.



Dang. Ok. So. Andy and Frank were lovers in the past. That's cute. I kind of hate myself though cause I'm a hardcore FRERARD shipper but ther story isn't over yet people!love you lots and happy reading! Xo

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