Chapter 7: Take it or Leave it, Princess

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\\ Hayley POV \\

"I'll give you 12 million if you let me go. And I'll pay you even more if you protect me"

Hayley was fucking stunned. No, she was perplexed. Confusion racked her brain. She wasn't even able to comprehend what this kind of money would do for her. As an assassin, money like the 2 million only came once in a career.

But fucking 12 million dollars with the potential for more?

This was unbelievable. The most Hayley might make in her entire career was enough to live comfortably. Not worry about expenses too much. But with this offer? Hayley could buy a house with a pool and some fucking trees in it! She could buy organic foods from that pretentious hipster market. She could celebrate Christmas twice a year. The possibilities were endless.

But then again, how the fuck did she know she could rely on this guy? He was just a pretty face and Hayley was asexual as fuck. She couldn't be seduced by a pretty face. She couldn't trust this man. She couldn't trust anyone but her fucking self.

She looked up at Andy and scowled as a mask. He couldn't think that he had her under his pretty little thumb. This had to be her show, her rules.

"Listen, Biersack. You may glide through life because of your looks-"

"Actually I glide through life because I have certain musical abilities." Interrupted Andy.

"Fuck off. but that will never work with me. Don't give me fucking offers of shit that I don't want. Don't pretend like you're trying to help me when you're only concerned about your self. Go jump off a bridge or something".

He laughed. He actually fucking laughed. "Why would I jump off a bridge and kill myself when you can kill me instead?"

Hayley sighed internally. This guy had humour and that was pretty much the only human quality she liked. What a shame he'd be dead in a few moments.

Hayley began pulling him towards the riverbed. If there was one thing that she knew well, it was to never leave a job undone. No assassin would ever be stupid enough to let somebody go. That was rule no1 in Assassination for Dummies.

Hayley knew what she needed to do. She was turned towards the riverbed, pulling this guy along. He was not coming willingly.

She sighed. "This will be a helluva lot easier for your skinny ass if you cooperate".

"Just let go of me. I don't like it when people touch me without my permission".

She laughed and shook her head and carried on pulling him towards the dark water. God, the fish would have an absolute ball feeding off of him. She thought about how sharks would probably love him too. We're there sharks in the river? What did tattoos taste like to them? Cause Andy had a lot. She wondered what they even meant. Why would anyone put that much shit all over their skin? She really hoped Andy was the kind of person to put Chinese characters along his wrist, because that would make him so much easier to kill. She wondered why-

Hayley was suddenly knocked off of her feet and shoved roughly to the ground. Her face had smashed against a rock and she couldn't see shit with all this blood pouring from her nose. She reached for her thigh, which had a gaping wound spitting blood, so much blood. When Hayley killed, she tried not to make them bleed. She hated seeing blood. She'd much rather break the neck and get it over with.

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