Chapter 15: torture

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//Hayley POV//

Hayley looked down at her hands. Her dark skin was littered with even darker bruises. Her skin bled constantly nowadays. It had been a week since she had arrived in this hell.

At first Hayley didn't know what was going on. The had knocked her unconscious after killing her cell mates. She was stupefied in that moment. She didn't think to run. She didn't think to hide. All she thought was fear. Fear had never held her body so tightly before. She was courageous. She was brave.

Or so she thought.

She woke in a plane. She was strapped into an upright seat and had a tube down her throat for food. It was horribly uncomfortable, but Hayley made the assumption that these people weren't too concerned with their prisoner's comfort. After she had awoken and struggled in her restraints for a few minutes, she screeched at the top of her lungs. She needed her questions to be answered. Or she needed to be knocked out again. Either way, this constant state of confusion and unknowing was more than Hayley would bear. In the end, they knocked her out rather than give an explanation. She woke up again in another room. It was pure white. Everything. From the floor, to the ceiling, to the couch, to the vase and to the flowers was white, without a stain of grey or brown. She looked up and knew she had met her fate. It was Mr. White.

Mr. White, the diabolical business man behind every big assassination in the U.S.A. He was Hayley's boss. Hayley's watcher.

Though Hayley never thought he saw what she did, she looked around at the security camera screens that were littered across the wall. He watched her. He watched her every move. Her every word. Her every smile. Her every tear.

It was insane. She never would've thought he had such information about her life. It was terrifying.

Now she knew why he organized assassinations. It was because this man was crazy. They brought her to Hawaii and into a house called the Dory House. She had no idea why. It was probably for some weird reason like him being attracted to blue tang fish or something. That's the kind of man he seemed like.

The inside of the house had been destroyed. There were toys strewn across the lawn and blood splattered on the walls. He dragged her through these rooms, silent like a snake about to attack its prey. She couldn't speak. She could barely breathe at first. The only clean room had been the one she had awoken in. Everywhere else had a story to tell. It was horrifying. There were half burnt photos of what Hayley thought was a boy strewn across the house. There were devil horns drawn on these photos and some were so ripped up that you couldn't even tell if it was a person.

There were children's toys that were cut in half and burnt to a crisp. Everywhere there was evidence of a childhood that someone wanted to destroy. These rooms continued on for a while.

But there was one room at the back of the house that terrified her the most. There was blood splattered across the wall, and a pride flag ripped into shreds. There were gay, lesbian, bisexual, pansexual and transgender icons all over the walls, with crosses on their eyes and horns on their innocent heads. The anger Hayley saw in this room was insane. She was sure this was of Mr. White's doing. He had something against Hayley. Why would he bring her here? For Christ's sake, why? Hayley had never feared for her life more than she did in this moment.

She couldn't imagine what she was doing here. I mean, if Mr. White wanted to kill her, he would've already. She didn't think somebody who led an assassination company would kill an enemy himself. Too much evidence would lead back to him. The point of an assassination is to have somebody else do your dirty work for you. Why do the dirty work yourself? Hayley didn't see the logic in this.

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