Chapter 4: In which Frank Iero pays a visit

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Andy POV


Where am I.

That's an easier question to ask yourself in a drunk stupor laced with vomit and tears than who am I. It always is.

Andy couldn't see properly. All he kept seeing was his dad. His father's angry grimace staring down at him as a child all the way through to adulthood. He hadn't seen his father since he was 18.

It was always this. Andy should've known better than to think getting drunk this time would be any different to his usual drug filled, paranoia inducing flashbacks of his asshole of a dad. His harsh grey eyes cutting him to the bone. The slow raise of his hand, the fear growing in Andy as he relives these moments countless times. Every time was just as terrifying as the last. Even as a fully accomplished and full grown adult, Andy was still haunted by the ghost of his father.

He quickly glanced around him. Why oh why did he drink? Why?

He knew this would happen. He knows what happens when the alcohol gets to him. The severe paranoia, the drug relapsing, the flashbacks, the panic; it's all something he could've avoided if he had been thinking a little more clearly.

But he hadn't been thinking clearly at all this week. For fucks sake, he was just trying to stay strong and keep smiling for the media. Once the news had gotten out that Andy was in fact pansexual, all hell broke loose. Some particular fans were angry, some were no longer allowed to listen to their music and most of all, it seems our music was being perceived as gay rights anthems. One critic even claimed that Perfect Weapon was about 'killing the right to be heterosexual". What the fuck was that about?

All he had wanted was to be himself. That's all he's ever wanted. Why was it such a crime to be yourself in this world?

He wiped his tears hastily away. He couldn't let anybody see him cry, and that's why he needed to leave, now. Clean himself up. Ready to make an appearance tomorrow for the big show. He was going to have to put on a performance for everyone. Musically and emotionally.


"I'm sorry"

"I don't want to hear it Andy"

"Well, you're fucking hearing it. I'm saying it to you. I'm sorry. I mean it"

Andy looked up. The other man's head was still faced down. He didn't smile like he used to.

Andy sighed. It was now or never. "Frank. Please. I need you to say you forgive me"

Frank Iero looked up, the ugly red scar crossing his mouth fully visible now. Andy's eyes darted around the black eyepatch that stood out like a sore thumb on Frank's face. Andy swallowed his guilt.

"Give me a reason why I should forgive you for doing this to me." Frank lifted a shaking finger and pointed it at his eye.

Andy let a silent tear fall from his eye. "I've made mistakes. Mistakes I can't make up for. Please Frank. I'm so sorry. "
Frank's upper lip curled into a cruel snarl. "I didn't ask for a relationship. I told you. I warned you it was a bad idea," says Frank as he begins to pace the room angrily, "I told you your parents would find out. You wouldn't listen to shit Andy. And that's why you're here. You're trying to get into heaven but it's too late to right your wrongs now."

Andy shuddered. "But-"

Frank opened the door and looked Andy straight in the eye. "See you in hell".


A/N: wow okay so, obviously some business happened with Frank and Andy. Probably some gay ass shit. It's always that super gay drama that keeps the story juicy. Do I even have any readers on this thing? Anywho, thanks for reading. Xo

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