Chapter 6

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Riley's point of view

I hugged him and cried on his shoulder. I looked at him. Right in his eyes. I never noticed how pretty his eyes were.

"Do you wanna talk about it now?" he asked. "Yes" I said softly.

He took me up to his apartment and into his room. He had a small balcony that we sat on.

"How bad is it Riley?" he asked. "They got physical today. Even my dad pushed me. My mom, she tried to get away from him but he pulls her back in with lies" I let it out.

"I'm so sorry that you have to go through this Riley" He moved his chair closer to me.

"Well at least I'm not alone. I have you" I smiled.

"You know Maya, well she's really upset that you yelled at her. She feels bad that she didn't know about what you're dealing with" Farkle tried to make Maya seem sorry.

I half believed him. How do I tell him why I am mad at her?

"Yeah she has a funny way of showing it" I said. "She cares about you Riley. She really does" he tried to assure me.

"No she doesn't. She spends all her time with Lucas. She doesn't ever come to my bay window anymore" I made Maya seem all bad.

"She told me what you said to her in the park. Maya said you yelled at her and told her she didn't care about you" he said completely right.

"I'm sorry" I said. "Maybe you should tell that to Maya" he suggested.

He was completely right again. Maya is my best friend. She deserves to know the truth and what is going on.

"How do I tell her?" I said desperate. "She's your best friend. Just talk to her" he stood up.

"And when I do, will you still be there for me?" I asked and stood up as well.

He hugged me and I laid my head on his shoulder. "When I said always, I meant always"

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