Chapter 13

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Riley's point of view

"How are we gonna do this? She hates him!" Maya said. That word stuck in my mind. I always knew it existed but not for my parents.

"I don't know" I said walking down the steps to the subway station.

"How did it start?" she asked and sat down on the bench. "Umm...a...hmm" I didn't even know. It was so long ago.

"Well if they don't even know how it started then why are they still mad?" Maya asked as I sat down next to her.

"My mom is probably mad because of the physical abuse and that he didn't come home last night" I suggested. I didn't know why she was mad. I really didn't. But I just said why I'd be mad if I was in her place.

"Then let's ask her 'why are you still mad at him?' and if she can't come up with anything then she shouldn't be mad" Maya said as we stood up and got on the subway.

"It's worth a shot" I think. I mean this is my mom, Topanga, she's a lawyer. She probably had a whole case against him.

We walked off the subway and to my apartment. We walked in the bay window. I heard my mom on the phone in the living room. I didn't hear Auggie. He must not be home yet.

"Okay. I'll go talk to her. I'm gonna use guilt!" Maya got all hyper for this plan.

She ran out of my room. "Wait Maya.." I said But she ignored me. For some reason I didn't want to find out the truth.

Maya walked out to the living room. I watched from the hall. She sat down beside her. My mom hung up the phone and put it away.

"Hi...hi Maya" She said. She barely made eye contact. "So why are you mad at Mr. Matthews?" Maya asked.

My mom looked at Maya like she had three heads. "Maya this is none of your business" my mom stood up and walked in the kitchen. I moved behind the wall so she wouldn't see me.

"Oh but it is. You and Mr. Matthews fighting makes Riley feel bad. So bad she cries her self to sleep" Maya said following her into the kitchen.

Maya, really. She had to tell my mom that? Yes it was the truth but seriously.

"Maya seriously it's none of your concern" my mom said. "I don't want Riley and Auggie to go through this because you can't get along!" she screamed.

Okay this is getting out of hand.

"Maya get out!" my mom screamed. Maya stood there frozen. I ran in there to rescue her.

"Can you do anything right? We are trying to help you!" I screamed. I grabbed Maya's hand and pulled her to the bay window.

"This is not what I wanted" I said.

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