Chapter 17

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Riley's point of view

I woke up. It was Friday. The best day ever. My family was fixed. Maya was back. And everything was normal.

I walked into the kitchen. "Morning Riley!" my mom said. "Good morning mom!" I said back. She placed a plate of pancakes in front of me.

My dad came in with Auggie on his back. Auggie was laughing. It was good to see him laugh again.

Maya came in. "Sup losers" she said. "Maya breakfast" my mom said. "I know the drill" she said. We ate.

Maya and I walked to school. "Riley I'm glad you and your family are happy again" she smiled at me. "Yeah I'm glad we are best friends again" I said. "I second that" she said.

We walked down the stairs of the school. There was Farkle. Oh man. I like him. Do I? Yes. Yes I do.

"Hey Riley can we talk real quick before class?" he asked. "Yeah sure. Maya I'll catch up with you later" I said. She ran off.

We sat down on the bench.

"Riley. I don't know if you saw this but we have gotten closer during this time. And I realised something" he paused.

This is it. He likes me. I hope. Please. I like him too.

"Riley. I like you. I like you a lot. Do you wanna go out tonight?" he said.

I looked in his eyes. I almost got lost in them. "Yes Farkle. I will. I like you a lot too" I said.

"And remember that no matter what happens, I'm always here for you" he said.

"And I'm always here for you too" I said. He reached for my hand. I let him grab it.

"Let's go to class" he said. "Yeah let's go to class" I said.

We walked into class. My dad was already teaching.

"And those country's learned that sometimes the only thing you need is someone to be there for you" he smiled at me.

I smiled at my dad and then back at Farkle.

"And remember everyone. The best thing you can do for a friend is just being there for them" he said.

I smiled. I was happy. I was happy for once. I could be happy forever. And I intended on being that way. I had my best friend. A boy friend. And my family. What more does a person need?
Finished check me out on instagram @/ lucayasriarkle and comment more ideas for fan fics or ideas for a sequel. Thanks for reading. I love you all.

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