Chapter 11

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Riley's point of view

I prayed all through the night. I prayed for my parents. I knew in my heart they would be together but everyone else in my family lost hope that night. Even Auggie. My dad must be pretty upset to disappoint Auggie.

I woke up that morning happy. For the first time in weeks I woke up happy. I had Maya back. With Maya I can face anything.

Me and Maya went to school together. Just me and her. I prayed in my head the whole way there that my dad would be there.

We walked in. First Period. History. I sat down. "Farkle did you see the Voice last night?" Maya asked excitedly. "No I missed it. Was it good?" they talked.

I tried to listen but I couldn't all I wanted was my dad to walk through that door now.

The bell rang and the whole class took there seats. The last student in closed the door. 8:02.

Okay, okay it's only two minutes. He'll be here. I assured myself.

"Riley, did he come home last night?" Farkle whispered in my ear. "No. He never came home" I whispered back.

Farkle sighed. Probably upset because no Belgium 1831. I didn't care he just needed to walk in that door now.

8:14. Okay this is bad. He's not coming. I lost hope. No I can't. Riley Matthews does not lose hope. No she doesn't.

Everyone chatted calmly. We didn't want a teacher to hear us and call a substitute. I just stared at the door. Waiting and waiting.

The door jiggled just as I looked away for a minute. It stopped. No one heard it but me. It had to be him. Please.

I heard a key jam in. I was half tempted to get up and let him in because I secretly hoped it was him.

The door opened. I breathed in. It was...

Lol guys don't worry about corpanga. I'll get there. Give me time. Thanks for reading :-) :-))

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