Chapter 12

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Riley's point of view

The door opened. I breathed in. It was him. I breathed out with a sigh of relief.

The whole class stared at him. I mean he was 20 minutes late. He didn't look at any of us. No. He comes in late and doesn't even want to face us.

Maya looked at me. She gave me the "should I do something look". I mouthed no. She sat back in her chair.

My dad went through his desk and bag. Searching for papers that probably didn't exist.

8:27. Maya stood up slamming her hands on the table. Everyone looked at her. My eyes widened.

"Why are you doing this?" Maya said real sassy like. My dad looked up and made slight eye contact with Maya.

"Huh?" he asked.

"Why do you do this to Riley and then come in here, late, and act like nothings happened?" Maya asked.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about" my dad said nervously.

Did he really just say that? He did. How could he?

"You know what you did!" Maya screamed. My dad just sat there.

"Miss Hart. Please take a seat so I may begin teaching" he said.

"Oh so you're actually gonna teach today?" I joined in standing up with Maya. She smiled at me.

"Please sit down girls. I have to teach" he insisted.

"How about you sit down and we teach you a little something about family!" Maya screamed. The whole class went "oooh"

I looked back at Farkle. Maya went to far. I think. Maybe. No. He deserves this.

"Miss Hart, Miss Matthews please see me after class" he said. The class brought back their "ooohs"

I looked at Maya. We sat down. The bell rang. The class left me and Maya alone with my dad.

"So how do I fix this?" My dad said. Maya looked at me with a surprised face.

"What do you mean?" I asked as if I didn't know what he was talking about.

"I mean. Help me put my family back together" he said.

**Corpanga is starting to be put back together. I told you guys give me time. :-) :-) **

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