Chapter 7

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Riley's point of view

"I'll tell her tommorow, I swear" I got out of apologizing to Maya again. "Promise?" He asked me. "I promise" I said.

We walked from history to second period. I avoided Maya all first period and I was free till sixth period-art.

I dreaded art class. I didn't want to face Maya. But soon enough fifth period ended and I slowly made my way to art.

Maya was sitting at her seat and I sat next to her. I looked up at her. She concentrated on her paper so I got my paper and started drawing.

About 20 minutes into class she spoke. "Riley we need to talk"

"Well maybe I wanted to talk last week but you didn't bother to come!" I got frustrated.

Farkle glared at me from the other side of the room. He mouthed "be nice, apologize".

"I mean yes we should" I said. She just looked up at me and stared at me.

"You know what? Maybe I don't want to talk anymore! Every time I try to talk to you, you get all defensive!" She yelled at me.

"Because when I really needed you, you didn't come!" I screamed back.

"Riley I'm sorry! I'm really, really sorry! I'm here now and you can't even see that!" she put her pencil down and started packing up.

"I'm sorry that when I needed help I thought my best friend would be the one there for me!" I began crying.

"Riley, Riley let's go" Farkle picked up my books and put his arm around me.

We stood in the hallway. I dried my eyes with a tissue. "Riley I said you need to apologize" he said.

He was totally right. I didn't handle that well at all.

"It's too late Maya hates me" I cried. "No, no, no she doesn't. It's just this whole situation is confusing us all" he spoke softly.

"Do you want to come to my house after school?" he asked.

"I would love to" I said.

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