Old Friends

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Chapter 6

Old Friends

STAR Labs (Flarrow)

Green Arrow and the Flash went to Star Labs. At Star Labs, he met up with Cisco Ramon and Caitlyn Snow. They were sitting in their office chairs watching the news.

"Do you guys have any idea what's going on?" The Flash asked. The Flash removed his mask revealing his brown hair.

"Well, there a thousands of Earths in the skies right now. One has to be Earth 2." Caitlyn stated.

"Can we open up a portal to Earth 2?" Green Arrow asked.

"Yeah, it could be possible that Jay and Harry know what's going on." The Flash stated.

"There definitely is a way that we could open up a portal." Cisco stated. "But we closed down all the portals remember? We wouldn't even know if it would lead to Earth 2."

"We have to try." The Flash stated.

Earth 2

Earth 2 was an Earth that looked to be set in the past but it was in the present. Everything looked like it was made in the 1950s. On this Earth, the Justice League wasn't called the Justice  League, they were called the Justice Society. And the Flash wasn't Barry Allen and Green Lantern wasn't Hal Jordan. The Flash was Jay Garrick on this Earth and Green Lantern was Alan Scott.

The Harrison Wells of this Earth, Jay Garrick, and Alan Scott were at the Star Labs of this Earth. They were ready to go to the Flarrow Earth. With the help of Alan Scott, they could teleport to Earth 1 and go exactly where they wanted to go on Earth 1.

"Are you sure you trust them?" Alan Scott asked. He hadn't met the heroes of Earth 1.

"Yes. They helped up defeat Zoom." Jay Garrick said.

"Okay gentlemen. It's now or never." Harrison Wells stated. They walked through the portal that Alan Scott created.

Earth 1 (20 Seconds Earlier)

"Are you sure you trust these people from Earth 2?" Green Arrow asked. "After all, one of them is Harrison Wells."

"Yes. They, including Harrison Wells from Earth 2, helped us defeat Zoom." The Flash stated.

Suddenly a green portal opened up in the front of the iron room Green Arrow, the Flash, Cisco, and Caitlyn were in. Alan Scott, Jay Garrick, and Harrison 'Harry' Wells walked out of it.

"Well that was unexpected." Cisco stated.

Caitlyn went up to hug Jay who was wearing his tin hat.

"It's good to see you again Jay." Caitlyn said. "You too Harrison."

"Well, this place isn't that much different." Alan Scott stated.

"This is Alan Scott. He's able to create objects with his Green Lantern Power Ring." Jay Garrick stated.

"Hey, don't we have one of those guys on this Earth?" Green Arrow asked.

"And this is Green Arrow. His name is pretty self explanatory." The Flash explained.

"And I believe we have a Green Arrow on our Earth." Jay said.

"We could get to introductions later." Harrison Wells stated. "We need to learn how to take down Brainiac."

"Wait you know what it's called?" The Flash asked.

"Yes Barry." Harrison Wells replied.

"Um, secret identity." The Flash said.

"Secret Identities don't matter right now. We need to focus on Brainiac." Alan Scott said.

"I've been tracking Brainiac ever since my satellites picked an unidentifiable object the size of our Earth." Harrison Wells stated, "I don't know any of his motives yet... I barely know how to stop him."

"What do you know?" Green Arrow asked.

"Us alone, won't be able to stop him. All the heroes combined on our Earths won't be able to stop him. Brainiac is simply too powerful, too strong for us. We need to find other heroes on other Earths that can help us." Harrison Wells said.

"What Earth do we start on?" The Flash asked.

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