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"What do you mean you like women?"
"I mean, I'm gay, I don't like men, and I want to marry a woman" I said. My mother looked at me like I had just murdered someone. She was a Christian so I was expecting something like this but what she said next was a punch in the heart, "Get out", she said "Pack your bags and leave"
"Mum? You're kidding. Right?" I said confused.
"No. Get out of my house. You are a disgrace to my house". I could see the look of disgust on her face and the way she looked at me, so I went upstairs and into my room. I was upset but I felt no tears, I guess I was just not that upset by it. After I finished packing my bags I knew I need somewhere to stay so I called the one person I knew I could stay with. I scrolled through my contacts and clicked on a familiar name. As it dialled I took a deep breath and noticed the small shake in my voice. "Hello?"
"Hey, Uncle Charlie. It's me Emily. Can I stay in Forks with you for a while?"

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