First Period

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Camila's P.O.V
I was in class I obvously sit in the back because one I hated chemistry and two I didn't really know anyone.
So I kept my distance and sat in the back and daydreamed about a certain green eyed beautiful rocker goddess named Lauren. In the middle of my wonderful daydream the teacher called on me.... Thankfully before I could say anything the

bell sounded for us to head to second period. Leaving the classroom I see my special green eyed beauty Lauren. I quickly catch up with her.

"Hey Lo." I said causing her to look over and slightly down do to the fact that she was slightly taller than me.

"Lo?" she said raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah its my nickname for you." I said with aant smile.

"I like it.. I'm glad another thing I like gave it to me." she said the last part so quietly you could easily miss it.

"I need a nickname for you... Hows about Camz?" Lauren asked and raising her eyebrow in a curious manner.

"I love it. Thanks Lo." i said almost in a shout. After a few moments of comfortable silence Lo broke it most likely realizing we were going in the same direction.

"Who do you have for second period?" As soon as she asked that I reached in my back pocket for my classes.

"Ummm..." I stutterd for a second.

"Mrs. Rice. What about you?"
I asked really hoping she had her now too.

"I have her too you can sit next to me. I sit in the back."

"Sounds fun thankyou Lo."
And with that we walked into second period. Let the red faces and giggling begin....

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