Chapter 4

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I didn't want to get up because I was still embarrassed,I bet they were making jokes about...But I can't stay in my room forever,I mean we have one more month until school starts.As I got up to take a shower and get ready to whatever I'm gonna do today,I was thinking maybe I should do something fun or join a team I mean Hey! I may be loner and a nerd but I use to play a lot of sports before my parents past away.

When I was taking a shower I decided I'm gonna join the soccer team so I put on my sleeveless shirt and my running shorts on,grabbed my soccer kleets,shin gards,and my soccer bag.I went downstairs to grabbed me an apple and a water bottle,when I got their everyone was in the kitchen eating.They turned around and looked at me like I was a prey or something.

"Good Morning Avery would you like some breakfast!"Miranda exclaimed I didn't want to be rude or anything.

"Good morning Jack and Miranda and yes please I would like some breakfast"I said with a smile I mean an apple wouldn't feel me up if I was gonna join the soccer team so I sat down at the table next to Sophie who was eating her pancakes and her face was sticky because of the syrup.The twins came up to me,I kinda got scared because I thought they were going to do something to me..

"We're sorry!"they both said at the same time I looked at them shocked.

"We thought it would be funny for you but we didn't know it would make you that upset"Danny said I smiled and hugged them.

"I forgive you two but next time I would get you guys back"I said they both looked scared when I said that and I laugh.

"I see you're going somewhere on a run or something?"Jack asked me.

"Oh...I was thinking of joining the soccer team at my school"I said.

"That's wonderful but what school do you go too?" Miranda asked me,taking a sip of my orange juice.

"Lycan Heights High School"I said,I checked the time making sure I won't be late for try-outs but I still had enough time do something before 12:30 p.m.

"Oh goody because that's where Blake,Mason,and Jake go!"Miranda exclaimed and on time here they come.

"Go where?"Blake asked looking confuse and I see they were also getting ready for football practice.

"Avery goes to the same school as you guys do."Jack said while making himself a cup of coffee.

"Really I never seen you there before,who do you hang out with."Mason asked and of course you never seen me, Hello! I'M A FREAKIN LONER!!

"Oh.. I don't hang out with anyone and I'm usually in the library"typical nerd hanging out in the library...I checked the time again and it was almost 12:00 p.m maybe I should head out now.

"Well I should head out now don't want to be late for try-outs"I said nervously.

"Wait Avery the boys can give you a ride to try-outs because they are going to the same place as you are right boys?"Miranda said I was about to say something until the twins came downstairs and said

"do we have to go with them!"Andy said,I was confuse but then it click because they got in trouble.

"yes you do unless you guys wanna watch your sister while I'm going shopping or you can come with me instead"Miranda said the twins shooked their heads no quickly.

"Alright well Avery the boys will take you to try-outs and good luck bye boys,bye honey and bye Avery!"Miranda said leaving with Sophie in her arms.

"well see you guys later bye"Jack said heading to his truck and going off to work.

"okay we should get going and I'm guessing I'm taking the van because it would be able to fit all of us"Blake said.


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