Chapter 12

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Blake POV

Once we all had our dinner and talked about Avery's practice. I headed up to my room, so I could take a quick shower. But before I could head upstairs Mason called me over.

"Blake! Lets go for a quick run, I think practice wasn't enough for me, you too Jake!" Mason said.

Man! Just when I was about to take a nice shower and go to bed but I know what he's doing, Mason still wants to know what's going on between Avery and I.

"Alright, come on Jake! Quit stuffing your face! Unless you wanna be water boy." 

"Shut up! From all the food I eat everyday, I still have a six pack!" Man its fun having siblings because you can make fun of them any day you want.

"Mom, we are going on a quick run, we'll be back soon!" Mason said to our mom.

"Didn't you just have practice like an hour or two ago!" Mom yelled.

"Yeah! But you know us Anderson boys need more practice, so we could win every game and bring home a trophy!" I said with a smirk on my face.

"Alrighty! But be safe and make sure you look both ways before crossing; okay!" Mom said,

"Mom we are not little anymore and we got it!" We yelled 

Just before I was about to walk out I bumped into something, and that something was Avery.

"Oh shit!, sorry didn't see you there." Staring at her while she's on the floor.

"Obliviously you didn't, no wonder your mom had to remind you guys to watch where you are going and can you quit staring and help me up at least!"  Avery said sending me glare.

Damn when she's mad, it's pretty hot and cute at the same time because she scrunches up her nose when she's mad.

"Oops, my bad. Here let me help you." Helping her stand I start to get this tingling feeling when I touch her. But the thing is I've been getting this feeling when I first saw her and I don't know what this feeling is but I like it and I hope it doesn't stop.

After helping her stand, my brothers Jake and Mason were standing there and watching the whole scene that had happened and I can see their smirks on there faces.

"Thank you" Avery mumbled.

"You're welcome, alright are you guys ready?" I said asking my brothers and they nodded their heads. And then we headed out.

After our run, we stopped and took a break at the park that's down the street from our house.

"Sooooooooo....." Jake said.

"Are you going to tell us what happened or not?!" Mason questioned.

"Alright alright, so Avery had heard our conversation that night and now she's not talking to me and she's ignoring me which is making it really difficult for me because I don't want her to be mad at me."

"Well you did say some pretty messed up shit about what you were going to do" Jake said 

"You guys did too! So it wasn't just me that had said something, you guys were involved too" I told them and on their faces they have the look of guilt.

"Damn! Now I feel like shit!" Mason said and Jake nodded in agreement with him.

"But I don't know why I should care if she's mad at me, I mean all the girls that I had slept with hated me but I didn't care for them at all because they still kept wanting more from me!" I said in anger.

"Maybe it's because you like her, like you actually like her or maybe even love her! Dude she could be your soulmate!" Jake screamed in excitement.

"I agree with Jake! So do you like Avery yes or no?" Mason asked.

Thinking about what Mason had asked me, I'm just imagining my future with Avery and I could see us being happy and having a athletic family. Just thinking about Avery puts a smile on my face because when she smiles it makes me happy and when I am around her, she gives me this tingling feeling and sometimes I tend to get nervous when I'm near her.

"Bro!" Mason yelled, shaking me out of thoughts of Avery and I.

"What's your answer, do you like Avery or not?"

"My answer is......................"

Find out Blake's answer in the next chapter.

Hopefully I'll have the next chapter ready but anyways I am back!!!

I know I haven't updated in a long time but that's because of school( That college life though!) and plus I didn't have the energy to keep on writing this story but I did it! I did it for you guys who has been liking my stories and commenting on them telling me to update. And for those who have been giving me ideas and helping me fixed my mistakes thank you! 

If there is any mistakes let me know because it's been while for me and when I write my chapters for this story I don't even proofread and check if I have a mistake because I am on a roll when comes to writing. 

Anyways Peace Love Hope

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