Chapter 5

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I was triumphant in winning her over. I had got my girl, but before we started dating I had to let her know that I liked her because admiring her from a table in the canteen or making fun of her wasn't going to let her know that I liked her. I actually thought that she didn't like me at first. Come on. A lovely, sensitive and delicate girl like her swooning over a scruffy teddy boy like me? That was unlikely. I wouldn't have guessed until the lads kept having me on and saying 'Cynthia likes you y'know'.

One day at the end of yet another shitty lettering class, Cyn was the last to leave the room since she was packing away all of her equipment and the ones I had borrowed. She was nice like that- She would always let me borrow her equipment because I never brought any- not that I would ever use it in classes anyway. I was standing at the back of the room, I whipped my guitar out and started playing Ain't She Sweet: Oh ain't she sweet? Well see her walking down that street. Yes, I ask you very confidentially: Ain't she sweet? Oh ain't she nice? Well, look her over once or twice. Yes, I ask you very confidentially: Ain't she nice? Just cast an eye in her direction. Oh me, oh my, ain't that perfection? Oh I repeat, well don't you think that's kind of neat? Yes, I ask you very confidentially: Ain't she sweet?

Before I could even finish the song she blushed scarlet, made an excuse and fled. It was dissapointing really. I thought that she would be flattered. While I sang to her I kept my eyes fixiated on her with an adoring look on my face because I really did adore her. She was my world. The conclusion I came to was she was too embarrased and that she didn't want to be with me. I gave her my heart when I sang that song and she didn't even fucking appreciate it?

The day we got together was when there was a student party because it was end of term and nearing the summer holidays. To be honest I didn't want to attend a shitty party. The only reason I was going was to see if Cyn was there. When I arrived she was sat with her friend, Phyll. My stomach flipped and I got butterflies in my stomach. She looked so beautiful. This was it. I had to ask her out. I couldn't hold it back any longer. I wanted her so bad. I made a bee line for her and asked her D'you want to get up?, she lept to her feet. As we were dancing it was all very embarrasing since no one would've pictured us dancing together. As we were dancing to Chuck Berry I said to her D'you fancy going out with me?, She said in an instant: I'm terribly sorry, but I'm already engaged to a fellow in Hoylake. I didn't ask you to fucking marry me did I? I shouted back and I stormed off. She sat with Phyll the rest of the night sulking.

By the time the party was breaking up, determined to win her, I asked the pair of them if they wanted to go to the Ye Cracke for some drinks. They followed us there and they sat at a table while the lads and I sat at the bar joking and getting pissed from all of the drinking we were doing. By the end of the night, Cyn and Phyll were heading for the door when I quipped: Did you know Cynthia Powell was a nun then? She turned around swiftly. I asked her to stay, she obliged and Phyll headed for the door.

We had a few more drinks together, soon I whispered in her ear Let's go'. She quietly slid out of the pub together, then as soon as we got outside I kissed her. A passionate, irresistable kiss. Her lips were so soft and plump. I grabbed her hand, then we went to my friend Stu's flat, getting fish and chips on the way. I felt wonderful just being with her.

As soon as we got to Stu's flat we headed straight for the matress. It wasn't a question of if we should or shouldn't have sex. It just happened and it felt completely right.

We made love for an hour, then we lay together cuddled up and we were entwined in eachother's arms. I asked her about being engaged and she said their relationship was over and that had been wanting me. I grined and told her I had been lusting over her all term and that I thought she was incredibly sexy.

We chatted some more, when we snapped back into reality realising what time it was. We pulled our clothes on and we ran to the train station since Cyn's last train home was due any minute. We gave eachother a hasty kiss goodbye, then she jumped on the train. What are you doing tomorrow, the next day and the next? I shouted. Seeing you she shouted through the window as the train was about to set off. As I think back to that day, it was one of the best days of my life. I adored her.

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