Chapter 11

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I shouted Cyn's name as loud as I could, but she boarded the plane. I ran to the plane as fast as lightening and barged onto the plane, but no one seemed to mind (perks of being famous). Cynthia stood up and stared in disbelief: John what an earth are you doing? You have to leave, She exclaimed.
Look, Cyn I've made the most terrible mistake leaving you and Julian: My family who needed me, but I was a fool, I NEED YOU.
Cyn's voice sounded upset and said, John go home. You're not with me anymore, make your marriage work with yoko. I've had 2 failed marriages and my 3rd isn't any better. I don't want to see you fail yours too.
But Cyn, YOU are the one I want, what's the point in making my marriage work if there's nothing left of it. Yes my marriage is failing, but I don't care because heck I'd ruin it to be with you. Can't you see? YOU'RE my future, my everything. I haven't experienced as much passion and sexual desire in years like we had last night as we made love. I know you felt it too.
Cynthia looked around and looked a little embarrased seeing as he just admitted to everyone on the plane they had sex last night, I did feel it John I felt loved and wanted again and none of my husbands after you left made me feel like that,like you used to make me feel all of the time. I felt safe in your arms and I long for that feeling again, but how could I possibly trust you now knowing you chose yoko over your 5 year old son at the time and me over sex and heroin? it hurts. Was we not good enough for you or something? Look John you need to get off the plane and stop making a scene everyone's staring at us.
The other passengers started getting annoyed and impatient and the pilot announced that John had to get off as the plane was taking off any minute now. A flight attendant grabbed John and proceeded to remove him off the plane: No stop! If I can't be on this plane then I'll buy myself a bloody ticket if I have to. I'm not going anywhere I'm going back to England with you.
Cyn stared in disbelief and said, What? No you can't just take off with me and leave your life here in New York. What about yoko? What about your belongings?
I'll get Fred to bring them over for me, look, Cyn, I know it seems crazy, but my head has never seemed so certain about something ever. I will be with you, I LOVE YOU CYNTHIA POWELL, I know you love me too. I'll even marry you if you'd like I'd marry you in a heartbeat.
Cynthia giggled and said John what are you doing? This is craz-
John stopped her and cupped her soft  face in his hands and kissed her passionately, it took her breath away, I'm doing this Cyn, nothing's going to get in my way of spending the rest of my life with you, Don't be so stubborn Miss Powell let's do this. Cynthia rolled her eyes and said In case you forgotten I'm still Mrs Twist to you- Does it look like I care Miss Prim? John said teasingly. Oh John what are you like? you know I've always loved you. He kissed her again while the whole plane passengers clapped and cheered in joy.  John shouted joyfully to the pilot, We're ready for take off!

The End :)

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