Chapter 9

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*First I just want to say I'm sorry for not writing in a long time. I've been quite busy these last few months with work and everything and I kind of have writer's block, so I'm sorry if this chapter is bad. The things that yoko did in this chapter are actual things she did. Anyway back to the story :)*

Yoko took one look at me in disgust and said: You're sleeping with this slut now? Wow John I thought you'd have better taste than Cynthia.
Cynthia just shot a look at yoko and John said: Excuse me? You were busy spending MY money while you didn't even care that I was feeling lonely because you hardly fucking talk to me never mind spend time with me. I'm actually glad you've stopped caring because thanks to you I've had Cyn on my mind for a while now and I don't want to be with you. I want Cyn, not you. I've always loved her. I was a fucking fool for leaving her I was crazy to leave her for you.
Yoko got angrier and said:Which one of us saved you from that marriage that was falling apart anyway? You wanted something new, something different, not Cynthia.
John could see that Cynthia was upset by the look on her face, then a tear drop fell from her eye. She butted in: I love John more than anything. John and Julian are my world and they are the most important people in my life. I've loved John ever since I fell for him in 1958, trust me ever since we divorced I've tried to get him out of my mind, but I can't. I love him just as much as when I first fell in love with him. You know I've tried so so hard to keep things together for Julian and I and I have bit my tongue for so long by not saying anything to you about how I actually feel about you. You want to know? Thanks to you, John left me, you took my true love away from me. I feel like I've had my heart ripped out of my chest and you don't care. All of those letters you sent, you was constantly ringing our phone, you was standing outside of our house nearly all day everyday. I must say, you have alot of dedication for stealing someone's husband. Do do know what? John didn't even care about you. He would just laugh about you and he changed his phone number about 3 or 4 times because you constantly pestered him by phoning him all of the time. Oh and we can't forget the time when you would just turned up at one of the events John and I was at and how you just suddenly barged past us as we wa getting in the car to go home, so you could sit right in the middle of us in the car until you was at your destination to be dropped off. To be honest, I have no idea why he left me for you anyway. You wanted to take my husband away from me just so you could get rich and you made Julian fatherless. John would've bonded well with Julian now, but you've got in the way of that. Do you actually think that a man should put a woman before his own child? I think it's disgusting.
Yoko shot back and said: He didn't want you. All you are is a boring, talentless and useless housewife. John needed more excitement in his life and more love, I was the one to give him that, not you. All you are is a sleazy little homewrecker. Do you feel proud that you're splitting up a family?
John stood up for Cynthia and said: You're memory must be hazy because I think that it's YOU who's the homewrecker, NOT Cyn. In case you've forgotten it was YOU that split up my family with Cyn, you wouldn't stop stalking me until you got your claws stuck in me. My son needed me and what did I do? I abandoned him for you. What father does that? You say that I never loved her and that she was boring that's bullshit. Yes I admit that our marriage wasn't doing so well, but I loved Cyn so much and I still do. We had problems, but we were trying to solve them and then start having more children. I wanted it to work with Cyn because she is an amazing woman.
Yoko glared at him and screamed back: How dare you say that I stalked you. You was sad and I helped you. You fell in love with me. You told me you wanted me instead, I saved you from that train wreck of a marriage. You didn't love Cynthia you love ME. allowed you to express yourself, did Cynthia? No She didn't because all she wanted to do was sip tea like any other boring british house wife would do. You needed excitement and I gave you it. How can you say I only wanted you for your mon-
John butted in and said sharply: How can I say you only wanted me for my money? Well for starters you would write me letters almost everyday asking for money and I was too stupid to realise even then that you only wanted me for my money, you go out almost every week to spend MY money oh and this might jog your memory, if you actually loved and not just wanted my money how come before you met me you tried to date Paul first? Just because he turned you down just like I should've done you then start trying to ruin my family for the sake of your wealth and fame. You didn't care about me, you didn't even care which fucking Beatle you married as long as you got rich and famous. You're a fucking leach and I should've realised it sooner. I should've stayed well away from you. Everyone was right, all you are is an annoying, attention seeking, bitching, money grabbing, fame hungry whore. Do you really think I'm that stupid to not know that you're cheating on me with both this Sam Havadtoy guy and one of my own mates Elliot? You see, You've just dropped me as soon as you didn't need me anymore and after you got everything you possibly could out of me. You never loved me and don't you dare fucking deny it.
Yoko's eyes filled with anger and said: Do you want to know the reason I cheat on you? Yes you're right I don't need you anymore because you're boring as fuck. All you do is sit in this apartment eating cornflakes, watching tv and playing guitar. Don't you have anything better to do than to sit around all day doing nothing? Do you know what? I pity you for being such a foolish coward. Yes I did want to earn more money and fame, but with you, you was just an easy target. All I had to do was write a few letters and give you a few phone calls and Oh I guess you didn't tell her that I offered you heroin and sex and then suddenly you became putty in my hands. If you love Cynthia so much and you still did back then, how come you chose heroin and sex over your own wife and child?
Cynthia's eyes widened and stared at John as her voice said in a small, defeated tone: Y-you chose her over me because she gave you drugs and offered to have sex? How could you? I guess all of those times you said in 1968 that you loved me more than her was just a lie. Everything was just a lie. You never did really love me did you? I was just a laughing stock to you because I was soft on you and so naive. I hope that shag with yoko was worth it. You've ruined everything between us.
Cynthia grabbed her coat and stormed out of the Dakota, Cyn wait, John shouted tears in his eyes and running after her.

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