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The next morning the weather had turned squally and gloomy, the grey light from outside seeping through the small crystal window panes into the hall. The aether glowed in a warm way, giving the morning some much needed cheer, as the group made their way to the breakfast table in sleepy dribs and drabs. 

Bobby's story had clearly been a little too long after all, as he waddled slowly to the table and sat down, clad in a pair of sweat pants and a hoody, his blanket trailing after him, pulled stubbornly over his head. Ben had given up trying to extract it from his surprisingly strong grip, resignedly filling two plates as the small lad shuffled over.

Matthaios was looking tired, his hair uncharacteristically tousled and messy, voice raspy with sleep as he asked for the coffee pot. Daphne heaped a stack of pancakes and bacon onto his plate, and he smiled blearily, drowning them in maple syrup.

Dennis ballooned from his room, a thick knitted sweater paired with his trademark pantaloons and a pair of furry Ugg boots completing his ensemble. The others hardly looked twice, growing used to his unusual clothing choices. Ryaki stalked from her room, striking in a long-sleeved black top with black pants tucked into her boots. Matthaios poured her a cup of coffee and she accepted gratefully, adding cream.

Rich was the most energised, bounding out of his room in jeans, a jumper, and boots. He grabbed a pancake as he passed, grunting through his mouthful that he had to go to the Gymnasium. Lissa emerged a moment later, clad in jeans and a fluffy sweater, her hair pulled back into a messy bun as she padded over, barefoot.

"Pancakes," she breathed, helping herself to a generous portion and adding blueberries. Bobby held up a strip of bacon, waving it around. He still found it funny that she didn't eat meat. She shook her head reprovingly, and Ben frowned at the cheeky lad.

"Lille bror."

His tone was dark with warning, and Bobby plopped the bacon into his mouth, guiltily.

Dennis grumbled as he pushed himself away from the table, chair legs scraping against the marble floor. He was going to be running late to his lesson with Master Arcus if he didn't hurry.

"I don't know how I lucked out and got the early lesson," he grouched, bombing the last of his coffee and standing up abruptly. "See you guys later."

Matthaios stood reluctantly as well, grabbing his slicker as he also headed out. He had a riding lesson, and the rain was going to make it pretty miserable.

I really hope Peanut doesn't buck me off into the mud.

Ryaki followed him out, giving no explanation, and he was quite happy to walk with her to the stable. 

I don't know her well enough to really start a conversation, might as well shut up and keep things easy.

She seemed quite content with his solution, boots squishing slightly in the mud as they reached the meadow, rain dripping into uncomfortable places. The horses were grey silhouettes in the dim light. Peanut was waiting by the gate, his brown ears pricked as they approached. The little grey pony was hunched over in the distance, rump turned to shelter from the rain. A small black mare came wandering over to stand beside Peanut, her ears pricked as she peered curiously at them from behind the tall bay. Ryaki extended her hand, something drawing her toward the fine-boned beauty. The black mare inched forward, tentatively sniffing the small girl's outstretched hand. Rich smiled when he saw Ryaki's eyes widen, but the moment was ruined when Peanut pinned his ears and chased the mare away, his muzzle wrinkled in jealousy.

"An extra pupil for today's lesson, I see."

Lepidas's booming voice made them jump.

Ryaki stepped back, unsure if she was allowed to be there.

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