Chapter XIX

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Lissa, Ben, and Bobby had gorged themselves on the food covering the sidetable in the Observatory. They lay on the reclining couches in a sleepy stupor, completely satiated. 

Lissa was the first to fall asleep, her breath coming in soft gasps as she snored softly. Bobby conked out next, his mouth dropping open as he dreamt. 

Ben fought the fatigue clouding his brain, his mind still in a  turmoil.

What do I do, Odin? Forn Sior was my faith, and now I’m here - in a land I never believed in, with a god I never knew existed.

He tried to get comfortable, flipping over onto his back and staring out the crystal dome of the observatory. Saturn’s moons drifted in the golden haze overhead, the black rings ever present in the strange sky.

What do I do? Do I even have a choice?

A faint rumble in the back of his head surprised him. A deep voice began speaking clearly in his mind, and he sat bolt upright.

Greetings, my faithful follower, Benjamin Jersverd. 

Ben gulped. 

My Lord Odin?

Aye, it is I. You have plagued me lately with many questions, young warrior. 

I apologize, my Lord. 

Expressions of regret are not necessary, Jersverd. You ask me for direction.

That is correct, my Lord.

Your name is Iron Sword, and you also have an iron will and an iron heart. You have been born into the Norseman’s creed, and your dedication is found worthy in Asgard’s sight. 

Thankyou, my Lord.

Do not hesitate to follow your destiny, young one. You have more to do than be a warrior. Your purpose is written in the stars, since before the days of this Age. 

I will not disappoint you, my Lord Odin.

The valknut on your chest will keep the Valkyries by your side, Norseman. You have nought to fear. May the power of the berserkers stay with you. Velsignelser fra de norrøne gudene er med deg.

The intrusion in his head subsided, and a spike of energy flowed through the veins of the Norwegian, dissipating in a mist that evaporated above his head. He blinked, touching the tattoo on his chest. 

It was a symbol of interlocking triangles - a valknut - the sign the Vikings used to signify allegiance to Odin and summon the protection of the Valkyries. 

He’d had it inked on his eighteenth birthday as a sign of loyalty to his faith, as well as ensuring the protection of his ancestors. At the time it had mostly been to give him luck during his fights, but now he realized it had a far deeper meaning.

He lay back, his mind reeling.

After a while his thoughts calmed, and he felt his mind become clear. 

It is okay. I’m not betraying my faith by doing Chronos’ bidding. I even have Odin’s blessing!

He felt a smile touch his lips, a foreign sensation.

Lissa shifted slightly, and he watched her for a moment.

She was beautiful, that much he knew. But her pride and arrogance was like that of a spoilt child. 

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