Chapter XXI

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                                                           ※ ※ ※ ※ ※

Ben awoke to find the slender body of his little brother curled up in his arms.

He must have had nightmares, he realized, tightening his grip. When he was little he used to go to Mor.

Bobby stirred, stretching his arms and groaning. One sharp elbow smacked the older brother in the eye, and Ben sat up with a grunt, touching it ruefully. Bobby’s big brown eyes snapped open and he smiled brightly at his big brother.

God morgen! Did you sleep well?”

Ja, ja. What are you doing in my bed, hmm? You have a nightmare, lillebror?”

“Mmm…” Bobby frowned. “I don’t remember,” he fibbed. 

Ben gave him a look. 

“I’m going to pretend you’re not lying to me,” he chided. “Come on, have a shower and get dressed. Today we have training and lessons, it’s time to get up.”

“I’m hungry!” Bobby complained.

“You can eat after your shower,” Ben said firmly. He gave him a gentle shove. “Gå på, fort!

Bobby scrambled to his feet and headed for the bathroom. Ben rose, glancing into the hall to see if any of the others were moving about. The hall was quiet and still, and he supposed they were the first to wake. Bobby was yodeling in the shower, so he closed his bedroom door in an effort to maintain peace and quiet. 

He’s definitely a morning person. 

Ben grimaced, stretching his stiffened limbs. Sleeping with a small child wrapped in his arms limited their movement considerably. He began doing some lunges and squats - just a few light exercises to loosen up - breathing easily as he threw a volley of punches into the air, pivoting and kicking and lunging. 

The aether flowed like an ocean overhead, peaceful and fluid. He slowed, stretching and watching it in wonder.

Pure magic, he marveled. I can’t believe I’ll be learning to use it. Ben Jersverd, the wizard… Who would have thought?

Bobby burst from the bathroom, shaking drops of water from his wet curls. A green tunic had been pulled hurriedly over his head, the neckline dampened by his dripping hair.

“I’m hungry!” he hollered, dashing for the door and launching himself into the hall. He raced over to where an ample breakfast table had been silently laid out.

Probably by the aether, Ben mused, watching the blue tendrils curling above the table. The smell of buttery pancakes and fried bacon made Ben’s stomach growl, so he went over and grabbed a crispy strip of warm bacon, sinking his teeth into it.


His moan of appreciation was subconscious, and he reached for another. Bobby’s frowning face caught his attention.

“Not fair, storebror! I had a shower. It’s your turn now, or else you’ve got double standards!”

Ben sighed and shook his head, amused. 

The old double standards trick, hmm? 

Bobby’s eyes gleamed in triumph.

“You win, lillebror,” Ben winked, turning to go back to his room.

Ryaki was peering out of her bedroom door, blinking owlishly. Her blankets were pulled up around her chin.

Ben paused. 

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