Chapter XXIV

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Chronos descended the stairs to the basement to check on his young charge, and stopped still when he realized the scene before him.

Dennis snored loudly, his face mashed into the crook of his arm. His book was open at the last page, and the rune of light glowed softly beside him, hovering close to his arm.

The God of Time’s stone eyes showed no emotion, but he expelled a deep breath, approaching the boy quietly, noting the pile parchment with a rune inked on each page. The boy had finished the book, Chronos could see. The glowing yellow rune drew his attention, and he noted its solid appearance, the smoothness of the lines, and the way it stayed close to its maker.

“Very good,” Chronos whispered, stepping back with a satisfied smile. 

The boy was one step closer.

                                                           ※ ※ ※ ※ ※

Daphne stirred restlessly, her arms draped above her head and her feet tangled in the blankets. She blinked slowly, sitting up and pushing the hair out of her face. 

The brown leather cover of her book caught her eye, and she reached for it with a yawn. There must be some time to read, she thought, making herself comfortable against the pillows.

“… to teach another how to view auras, you must first discover the extent of their natural ability by directing them to look for the brightest part of an aura, located above the crown of a person's head. If they show talent, you may extend your own vision to them in a binding ritual [ref. p 754]. This invokes the Vision, where one has the ability to see the energetic aura that each living being displays. This appears in the form of a myriad of colours sounding their bodies. To understand and diagnose the aura, you must have knowledge of the colours and their meanings...”

Daphne read through the list, committing it to memory. One thing stood out to her.

Black in any aura means sickness or death. And I get to learn how to heal them!

She could hear Bobby singing in the shower, and she smiled a little at the bass rumbles that must be Ben chiding him. Bobby hardly used his own room anymore - it just seemed to act as his giant wardrobe.

She stood slowly, stretching her arms to the ceiling, watching the aether shifting above her. She padded to her bathroom in the nude, and turned on the shower, pausing in front of the mirror for a moment.

She observed the calm blue eyes staring back at her. They no longer had that haunted edge. Her wrist was strong and flawless, as if it had never been broken. She actually felt comfortable in her own skin for the first time, gently running her hands over her body.

Nobody will ever have the power hurt me again.

Her life in Feldheim seemed like a distant memory, as if the stench of those slimy streets had been virtually erased from her memory. 

She smiled at herself.

The best thing of all is that now I have the power to help people.

Daphne danced into the shower, her long brown hair swirling in a glossy circle. 

Every day counts.

                                                           ※ ※ ※ ※ ※

“It’s time to go, Divines. Chop chop!” Machitis boomed, his voice filling the hall.

Lissa growled under her breath as she wrapped the ripped strips of a white linen tunic around her shapely chest.

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