Chapter XXIX

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Dennis awoke with a groan of protest. The aether was swirling wildly around him, prodding him with curling tendrils, and he sat up with a growl.

Damn it. Time for magic lessons... Why the hell does it have to be this early in the bloody morning!

He dragged himself out of bed and crawled to the shower on his hands and knees. The shower blasted away the remnants of his dreams with steaming vigor, and he tried to subdue the apprehension crystalizing in his stomach. 

Without Chronos accompanying him, he was well and truly on his own, and he had felt rather less than loved in the presence of those two at the Academy.

He toweled dry and hurried to his wardrobe, picking a pair of black silk pantaloons (slightly less balloony than normal) and a loose grey shirt. He laced up his boots with shaking hands, his nerves getting the better of him as he worried.

I wonder if they'll notice if I don't come... Uh, yeah, probably... Considering that it looks like I'm the only visitor they've had for centuries...

The aether swooped down and plucked a grey wool cape with fur lining from the rack, dumping it in his hands as he was about to leave the room. He caught it with a grunt, surprised at the weight of the garment, and then smiled a little, remembering.

Thanks, Aether. Its cold enough to freeze the devils balls over there!

He shrugged on the cloak, and paused in the mirror.

Plus, I look far more magical now. Good! Time to kick some wizard butt...

He tugged his curls into order and rushed out the door, running down the corridor and out to the portal.

I really, really don't want to be late, he fretted. God only knows what constitutes a 'punishment' at the Academy of Mageia...

                                                           ※ ※ ※ ※ ※

The black fog swirled around him, thicker than ever. He navigated the mossy steps with caution, hurrying up the winding path and up to the door. He waited, his breath billowing white clouds in the frigid air, remembering that Chronos hadn't knocked.

Don't break any invisible rules, he lectured himself. I want to be in Arcus's good book, not his 'eliminate with poisonous spiders' book.

Sure enough, the tall black door opened on creaky hinges and Jack stood there, waving him inside.

"Welcome, Dennis the Divine," the blonde boy said with a cool smile.

"Uh, thanks," Dennis replied with an uncomfortable grimace. 

This guy gives me the heebie jeebies.

Jack shut the door and stared at him.

"I realize you don't know the etiquette of the Academy," the boy finally said. "Let me explain. The quicker you know, the better."


Dennis could feel his irritation at the other boy growing by the moment.

"Right. First things first. When you're welcomed into the Academy, you extend a greeting in return. Something like, 'Thankyou, Jack the Mageian. Top of the morning to you'," the boy explained. "It's common courtesy. Oh, and remember to always address Master Arcus as 'Master' or 'Master Arcus'."

"Is that all?" Dennis checked, feeling his dislike for the boy expanding rapidly. 

"For now," Jack said with a small smile. "I'll let you know if you breach etiquette."

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