Chapter XLI

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The group were flopped in various comfortable positions all over the sofas in the hall, sipping steaming cups of tea. Ben looked up first, his eyes narrowing a little as he surveyed Ryaki's delicate approach, her footsteps silent on the rug as she went to make herself a cup of coffee. Someone had saved her dinner, a plate piled with a generous serving of lasagna and salad. She smiled a little, her face hidden by shadow as she scooped it up and meandered over to a spot beside Bobby and Lissa.

She could feel Ben's gaze on her, and Rich glanced up occasionally, but she sipped her coffee, pretending to ignore them. The soft chatter of her friends soothed her mind, and the warmth of the food quietened her growling belly.

She glanced up, her dark eyes glimmering a little in the soft light as she surveyed the tired, yet peaceful, faces of her companions. Ben's dark eyes persistently bored into her, and she forced herself to meet his gaze. They eyed each other for several long seconds, before she offered a hint of a smile and blinked, breaking the tension.

He seemed to relax a little, satisfied that she was coping okay. His eyes drifted back to his book, but she could tell he was still keeping an eye on everything and trying to gage how everyone was doing. The trainings and lessons were getting more and more intense, with the trips to Mageia giving them even more to work on.

Chronos made an appearance for a couple of minutes, giving Bobby and his adopted bird family the attention they demanded, and casting a fatherly eye over the rest of the group. He left, seemingly content. Ryaki was satisfied that she hadn't warranted any extra attention.

Actually Chronos doesn't seem that concerned with my 'dark side' mancer, she mused. Maybe he knows something I don't.

Another sip of her cream-laced coffee. Her hand touched the tome hidden in the pocket of her cloak, and a tiny smile touched her lips as she thought about the fascinating things she was learning.

My mind is definitely getting more attuned to my mancer, she realised, glancing around surrepticiously. Everything around her that was living - including herself, her friends and the potted plant on the table - had a swirling black mist surrounding them that she could see.

Life force. Aether. White magic. Auras. All the same thing, just seen through different eyes.

Ben rose, scooping up Bobby as he slept, the boy's small body cocooned in a fluffy blanket. The two birds were safely snuggled up on his chest, their beady black eyes hooded with suspicion as Ben transported the lot of them to Bobby's bed. He'd given up on trying to seperate them. It wasn't worth the struggle.

Lissa moaned a little as she stood, the cold from the day's hike still chilling her to the bone. Ryaki watched her limp to her room, noting the pretty blonde's blistered feet. Somehow, she still managed to be impossibly pretty, even wearing fuzzy pajamas with her hair tied back in a messy bun.

Daphne was asleep, curled into a ball with her head resting on an open book. Dennis was leaning on her, his mouth tipped open and dark curls sticking in every direction as he snored quietly. Rich and Matthaios had been playing chess, but the game had fizzled to an stalemate as they lost interest. They both rose, giving up on the game as they struggled to stay awake.

"Night," Matthaios bid them, turning in, his door closing softly behind him. Rich winced as he rose, dark rings circling his eyes and a slight limp in his step as he wearily followed suit.

Ryaki finished her coffee, savouring the last few drops. She picked at her plate, not feeling particularly hungry anymore. Everyone was asleep, and the quiet of the room was at odds with her caffienated brain. She rose, leaving her plate and empty mug on the table.

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