Chapter XVI

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They all stared as he left the courtyard. An awkward silence settled over the group as they sat up and looked at each other. 

What now? Ryaki thought. This is all so crazy. 

She glanced at Rich and Dennis, both who looked like they were deep in thought.

This must be pretty hard. They’ve been die-hard atheists as long as I’ve known them.

Matthaios looked different from the others. Excited, his eyes were bright and he stood first, holding out a hand to help Daphne up from the smooth tiles.

“Come on. Let’s check this place out!”

The golden statue of the lion glimmered in the odd yellow atmosphere, and Ryaki was grateful for the dusky green foliage of the trees. The yellows and golds were a bit overpowering.

Matthaios pointed down a winding pathway that led through leafy glades, disappearing in the golden mists that wafted across the landscape.

“Anyone keen for a walk?”

Ryaki leapt to her feet. Ben stood slowly, and scooped up his sleepy little brother. “I’m taking Bobby to bed. I’ll probably see you all a bit later.”

Lissa looked uncertain as the only people she knew disappeared through the glimmering arches. Daphne smiled at her, and Lissa returned it, stiffly. 

Alright. Enough soppiness.

Ryaki resisted the urge to roll her eyes. 

“Let’s go,” she called behind her, impatiently, following Matthaios down the cobbled path. Shadows fell in swathes as they traversed through the glade. A liquid river of a milky pale blue ran beside the path, shaded by the lofty branches of tall trees, and hemmed in by thick stone walls.

Strange birds flew in patterns overhead, twittering on the warm breeze. The towering spires of a building was silhouetted in the distance, and it became apparent that that was where the path went.

The smooth golden track began to rise as they ascended an incline, the river giving way to rocky rapids and gentle waterfalls. After what seemed like roughly half an hour of walking, Ryaki was grabbing at the neckline of her grey shift, trying to cool down.

“It’s so hot,” she muttered. “Anyone else up for a swim?”

“Sure,” Rich agreed eagerly, looking just as hot and bothered. Sweat had stained the back of his tunic, and his hair was damp. Lissa was pulling her silky gown from her skin uncomfortably. Ryaki didn’t miss Dennis’ covert glances at the pretty blonde.

Pervert. Can’t blame him, I guess. 

She vaulted onto the edge of the stone wall, observing the milky blue water several metres below her. A waterfall fell from a rocky cliff on one side, and then widened to form a perfect water hole, before cascading through a series of boulders in a flurry of foam.

She perched on the roughened stone wall, reluctantly unlacing her boots. She didn’t have one blister, and her feet were strangely cool, despite the rest of her being soaked with sweat.

The others followed suit, and she held down the hem of her shift as she took a flying leap into the river. The water was shockingly cold, and she felt her whole body start to cramp in surprise as she sank, black eyes open wide, holding her breath.

The water was milky from the surface, but clear as crystal underneath. The rocky riverbanks merged with the stone wall on one side, and the pool turned out to be much deeper than she expected. Her lungs began to burn, and she rose to the surface with a gasp.

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