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"We're here." I say to Sam. He grins, "Good." "Yeah, let's check in and put away all our junk. We can go eat dinner and research tonight. We will go to the house of the woman's boyfriend and then her parents. We will also go to the boy's parents house." Sam slumps, "Fine, but if someone dies we are leaving for the crime scene straight away." I frown, "Deal. Let's go to the dinner near here." Sam agrees and we walk to put our stuff in the motel.


"Get anything yet?" I ask Sam. It is midnight and I'm drinking a beer, reading a book on werewolves. We already know most everything about them. We just want to be sure. Sam sighs, "Nothing new. I'm heading to bed. Goodnight, Dean." I sigh and close my book. "Night, Sammy." Sam walks to the other side of the room and collapses on the bed. He always works too hard, poor Sammy. I get up and throw my beer bottle away. I flop on the other bed and listen to music.


"Ma'am, did your son have any enemies or people who bullied him?" The woman was in tears. "Not that I know of. He was always such a good kid. He served the church, he always got straight A's, he had so many friends." Sam shakes his head. "Thank you for your time ma'am." We turn to walk out. "Wait! Was... It a werewolf that killed him?" The woman calls out. "Why would you think that!?" I ask shocked. "Because, I used to be a hunter. I can tell you boys are, too." Sam smiles, "Yes , we are. We think it was a werewolf." She frowns, "I knew it. I studied the pictures for nights. Are you guys going to find this werewolf?" "Yes." I say quickly, wanting to leave. I know what will happen. "Please, let me hunt with you. He was my son." Sam jumps in before I can say anything. "Yes, I understand, but if we are hunting, you are to stay where we tell you." The woman nods. I knew this would happen. Great.


"Can we pull over at a gas station? I have to use the restroom." The woman asks. I pull over at a Shell gas station. The woman rushes out. "Dangit, Sam!" Sam makes himself look like an innocent puppy, "What?" "You can't just "invite" people to tag along. We discussed this last night. If she gets kill, Sam, it'll be on me, too!" Sam lowers his head. "I felt bad for her. I understood. I'm sorry I didn't say no."
I sigh, "It doesn't matter anymore. She's with us and we can't just leave her here."

After five minutes, Mrs. Wilson gets into the car. "Sorry it took so long." She says smoking nervously. I'm assuming it was lady stuff, that is why it was making her nervous. I don't have any idea what she did, she could be spying us or something. Dean, calm down, we can handle her. I say to myself as I start the car. "Sam, do you know where they would be?" I ask. Sam lights up. "Yes. I have ideas. Let's to the nearest diner. I feel they get their victims there." I steer left and go to the diner.


"Sam, get her a silver knife. Also, get two more for us. Bring the shot gun,too. We can load it with silver in the bullets." Sam nods and goes to the trunk to get the things I asked for. "Ready?" Sam asks. I don't need to answer. We all start walking to the diner with the knifes up our sleeves and the shotgun in the bag. We walk through the door and everyone stares at us. Great, almost all are werewolves. "Sam, you ready?" I grunt through my teeth. He nods.

We charge at the werewolves. We knick them with the knifes to startle them. The woman isn't much help. But she manages to kill two. Sam and I get the rest. Only one is left. This is one that the woman said she's take. The werewolf is begging. "Please. Let me go. I won't kill people, I promise. If you let me run free, you'll never see me again." The woman hesitates. "He's lying! Kill him!" The woman gives one last look of pity. Then kills him.

"Ready to go home Mrs. Wilson?" I ask. She sighs, "You can call me Amy. Yes, I am ready. I am ready to end all of this, now that we killed the wolves that killed my son." I nod and start the car. Heading back to her house.


"Bye, Amy. I hope everything goes well. Thank you for the help." Sam says as he gets out to hug her. I nod and smile at Amy. They hug, Sam holds onto her for an uncomfortable amount of time. The woman pulls away and walks up the step to her home. I wave when she turns to look at us. She waves back as Sam gets in the car.

"We have to go back to the motel to get our things. We can stay one more night or leave after we get our stuff. You look tired Sam." Sam nods, "We can stay one more night so you can get rest, too, Dean." I drive to the motel after his response. Sam had fallen asleep five minutes after we left. This kid sure does sleep a lot.

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