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AN- I'm so sorry I updated one day late for chapter five. I had to go to a concert and then hockey practice. I know I told you guys I would update yesterday, but I didn't. Sorry.

"What's wrong, Cas?!" I yell to Cas. He is just frozen there with his hand out in front of him. "I-I can't do anything. I have my grace, it's just...not...working." Cas sounds confused. I think fast, knowing that any of us could die at any second. I rush toward the demon and charge at it with the fire extinguisher. I know I could die at any second. I'd rather it be me than Sam or Cas.

I am so close to the demon now. I am about to smash him when I get shot. I don't know where, but it doesn't feel good. My eyes roll back, the last thing I hear is Sam screaming no and Cas rushing toward me. Everything goes black.


"Bobby?!" I say running to him. I don't know what is going on, but I will accept it. I missed him. He smiles, "Hey, idjit." We hug. "Bobby, where am I?" Bobby sighs, but also smiles. "Heaven. Too soon, but at least you are here." No! I can't be dead yet! Sam and Cas could die at any second! I have to go back! I can't! No!

"No! This can't be! Sam or Cas could die! I can't just leave them!" I yell at Bobby. "Help me get out, Bobby!" Bobby sighs. "You of all people should know, Dean. It's not that easy to get out of heaven or hell." "I know! Just help me please! What are the ways I can get out? Any way is fine."

Bobby ponders this. "An angel can choose to take you out. Or someone can make a deal with a cross roads demon. That is all I can think of right now, Dean." Yes! Cas can help! I don't want Sam to sell his soul for me. Cas can get me out. He needs to. "Okay, thank you, Bobby." I smile. "Where in heaven are we?"

Bobby laughs, "My place. Welcome! Ash may be here to visit soon anyways. He is going to bring Ellen and Jo." I smile, just the thought of them makes me giddy with excitement. "Okay. Sounds great!" I want to see them, but I also don't want to be here for too long. Sam or Cas could be killed. Please Cas remember. I need you and you need me. I wonder if praying to Cas in heaven works. It works the opposite way, but will it work this way?

Cas, I know you're busy trying to kill that demon, but please, save me. I need you and you need me. I don't want you to die, I need to save you guys. Please Cas. It's too early.

"Hey Dean!" Ash calls. He freezes. "Why are you back? I thought Zach was dead. That stupid angel." Dean sighs, "I actually died. No angle trouble. Just killed by a demon today." Ash frowns, "Man, that's terrible. At least you're with family! Want a beer?" I grin, "Yeah, that'd be great!" Ash tosses me a beer and I chug it. I forgot alcohol had no effects here.

"So Ash, how's it like to be back with your family?" I ask. I wonder where his dad is. "It's great." He smiles from ear to ear, then takes a swig of beer. A sudden thought startles me. Mom! She's here! I have to see her! Now! If Cas pulls me out, I'll have to wait longer, regretting I never went to see her.

"Bobby! Mom, I need to see her!" I yell at Bobby. Bobby jumps. "Oh God. Yes you do. Here, let me help you find her." He stands and rushes to the door of the house. "We'll be back soon, guys. Why don't I get Will on my way back?" Bobby calls to Ellen. Ellen nods. Will is Jo and Ash's father.

Bobby walks through the door, me following behind nearly stepping on his heels. I'm full of excitement. I can't wait to see the real her again. "How do we get there?" I ask Bobby. I remember Ash telling me, but I didn't quite understand. "Ash told me that all we have to do is connect with them. Think of them. It won't be imaginary, it will be real. It will be her. We just need think of her, all the details."

I start to think really hard. Tears start to fill my eyes. The smell of her perfume, her beautiful and flawless face, her petite figure, and her tenderness. Suddenly a door appears. Bobby must have been really thinking, too. He walks through the door. I follow, timidly.

The door leads to the house we used to own before it burnt down with mom in it. Man, how I missed this place. Stepping foot here made all my problems evaporate. Bobby walks up the steps of the house. He doesn't bother knocking.

"Why didn't you knock?" I asked shocked. Bobby laughs, "You should know. She's always inviting to everyone. Especially you and I. She'll be happy to see you, Dean." Suddenly I don't want to see her. I don't want to hurt her. I died too young, she'll hurt knowing that Sammy is alone now. I start to shake, I freeze.

"Dean, what's wrong?" Bobby looks concerned. "I-I don't want to hurt her." "Why would you hurt her?" I sigh, "I died too young. Everyone she loved is dead except for Sam. She'll be upset that I left Sammy alone. I can't do this Bobby." Tears start streaming down my face. "Dean, don't be ridiculous. She'll love you the same. She won't be hurt. You did your best."

Bobby grips my shoulder and opens the door. I don't believe him, but I have to. I have to see her before the chance is gone. "Who's there?" A timid voice calls. I smile. I missed that beautiful voice.

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