Will you be my....

417 14 1

Jungkook's POV

"They look so cute!!"

"Jin hyung,get your phone out to take the pic!"

"Keep your voice down Jamless kid!They might wake up."

I woke up to the sounds of people speaking. As i opened my eyes,I saw the hyungs crowding around Jin hyung's phone.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Ouh,nothing. We just took a photo of you and Hye Kyo sleeping together.You guys look so cute!" V hyung said.

Hoseok hyung smacked the back of V hyung's head and said," We weren't suppose to tell him that."

I turned my head and saw Hye Kyo's hand interwined with my hand. She looked like an angel with her flawless skin and fair skin.

"Hyung! I'm hungry!!"

"Let's go to the cafetria then, Jungkook we will be going first."

I just nodded and continue looking at Hye Kyo angelic face.

I brushed her hair off her face and that is when she woke up.

She rubbed her eyes and said," Hey,are you feeling any better?"

"Yeah,feeling much better. I wanna get discharged soon though." I said and pouted.

She stood up and realised that our hands were interwined. She let go and apologised. She soon left the room for an unknown reason.Few minutes later,she came back.

"I asked Dr. Byun and he said that you can be discharged today if your fever is gone." Hye Kyo said and was about to leave my bedside when I grabbed her hand.

"Thanks alot Hye Kyo.First you brought me to the hospital,Second you paid for the suite room,and you also stayed with me for the night."

"It is nothing really. Your my friend and........." She mumbled something inaudible.

"Sorry,what was that?" I asked.

"Ouh,nothing.Since your fever is gone,why don't you get ready to go home." She said and smiled.

Hye Kyo's POV

"It is nothing really.Your my friend and I care for you." I mumbled the last part.

"Sorry,what was that?" Jungkook asked.

"Ouh,nothing.Since your fever is gone,why don't you get ready to go home." I said and smiled.

Soon,he went to the toilet to get ready. While he was in the toilet,the rest of the oppa's came in.

"Umm,the doctor said that Jungkook can be discharged so he is getting ready." I said.

They nodded and soon we left the hospital and Jin oppa drived us back to the dorm.

Once the rest of the oppas settled down, i suggested that I cook lunch for them.Once I finished cooking,i called the oppas to come and eat.

"Waah! It smells so good,where did you learn how to cook?" Taehyung Oppa asked.

My smile disappered after the Taehyung oppa asked that question.

"I learned it from my......Ex-boyfriend." I said and looked down.


"Its okay."

"Hye Kyo,can I speak to you privately?" Jungkook asked.

"Sure" i said and we went to his room.

"So what did you want to say?" I asked.

Jungkook's POV

I took her both her hands and said,

"Hye Kyo,I know it hasn't been long since we became friends but whenever I see you,my heart will beat very fast.Please give me a chance.Will you be my girlfriend?" I confessed.

"Jeon Jungkook,are you confessing to me?" She said.

"Yes i am,i'm not sure if you wanna be in a realationship but if you don't want to be my-"

"Yes." She said.

"W...what?!" I said.

"Yes,yes I'll be your girlfriend. I too like you since we became friends." She said.

"Woohoo!!! KIM HYE KYO IS MY GIRLFRIEND!!!!" I said and pulled her outside.

"Hyungs!!Hye kyo is my girlfriend!!" I yelled.

"Waah! Our maknae is a man now!!" Hoseok Hyung said and gave me a pat on the back.

Finally I can call you mine,my jagiya Hye Kyo.....

A/N : So Hye Kyo and Jungkook is in a realationship!!! This is a short update unlike my previous one. Btw the previous update was the longest one I ever written.

Stay lovely my reader and don't forget to...

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