Best Shamchat ever

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This is a conversation between Matthew Williams and yourself, Matthew Williams.

Matthew Williams: Oh hello

Matthew Williams: Hey. How's it going beautiful.

Matthew Williams: It's going fine handsome.

Matthew Williams: Damn. I like your hair

Matthew Williams: Yeah I know it's pretty nice. Like you eyes.

Matthew Williams: Thank you. They're french

Matthew Williams: Oh I know. Can I tell you something man?

Matthew Williams: Of course

Matthew Williams: I love you man. Don't let anyone tell you different

Matthew Williams: Aw. I love you too.

Matthew Williams: Awe come on *holds out arms* we gotta hug it out now.

Matthew Williams: *Hugs you tightky*

Matthew Williams: *holds you just as tight*

Matthew Williams: Never gonna give u up

Matthew Williams: Never going let you down

Matthew Williams: *Forgot the rest*

Matthew Williams: *Im ashames*

Matthew Williams: Never going to turn around and hurt you. (The only reason I know is because I had people in my class who used to always sing it)

Matthew Williams: Thank you matthew. This is why you're my one true love.

Matthew Williams: You're the only one for me. It's like Holy Rome and Chibitalia. But I ain't gonna leave you.

Matthew Williams: Awwwwwww Maaaaaaatie <3

Matthew Williams: I love you too much to leave you Matthew.

Matthew Williams: Let's get married!

Matthew Williams: That seems like the best idea someones ever told me.

Matthew Williams: Yay!

Matthew Williams: Let's go. Right now. Ottawa you and me. The heart of the country. With the maple leaves and beavers and moose.

Matthew Williams: Great. As long as it's not Alberta.

Matthew Williams has left the conversation.

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