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Winnie The Pooh-
A Canadian soldier had a pet bear he raised from a cub named Winnie (after Winnipeg)
The soldier had to go off to fight and didn't want his bear to get hurt so he left him at the zoo. Young, British, Christopher Robin visited this zoo one day and became obsessed with the bear. His father was inspired to write the Winnie the Pooh books and thus a franchise was born.

Doctor Who-
What a lot of people don't know is that Doctor Who was actually created by a Canadian. Sydney Newman had the idea for the character of the Doctor, the Bigger on the Inside time machine, and many other aspects for the show. Things like the daleks, the design for the TARDIS (actually an interesting story. Ask me about it sometime) and the idea of regeneration were the work of Brits but the show itself wouldn't have taken off if it weren't for a young Canuk with some new ideas.

(Actually, I'm just gonna sketch out the TARDIS design story here because it's 3am and I'm restless)
Verity Lambert, the first producer of Doctor who (and also the youngest female to work as a bbc producer at the time) came up to one of the design guys in the bbc offices and begged for him to design the TARDIS for her. He kept refusing, insisting that he had more important work and telling her that he didn't want to design something for a low budget show that he doubted would last past a pilot.
But eventually the begging got to him (because verity is a stubborn little Broad and an amazing woman. You go girl!) and he angrily threw a bunch of stuff from his desk together in about a minute and was like "here's you're TARDIS."

Coronation Street-
I don't know if there's any Canadian influence in this British soap opera (as I'm not a fan and haven't done my research.) but coronation street if HUGE in Canada. It plays non-stop on CBC and all the old ladies I know watch it. If you've read some of my fanfics (like the notoriously smutty Never Forgotten) you'll know about my little headcanon that Mattie and Artie like to watch it together. Even if it is just father-son bonding like I've used it for.

The Royal Family-
The Queen is on our $20.
She used to have close bonds with our Prime Minister. (I say used to because Steven Harper was an ass and she's only just met Justin since he got elected but he's a sweetie. Who wouldn't love our new PM?)
Canadians are obsessed with Royals.
We also have the same political system as the Brits. No presidents for us thank you very much.
Also, Cathy Jones does a great impression of her majesty just saying.
(Ex: that time when she was flirting with Trudeau via public video or when she tried to get into a bar and when the bouncer asked for her ID she held up a $20.)

Basically, what I'm getting at is that Canada and Britain are more closely knit than people let on. Even if it's not romanticly written, I want to see more MapleTea bonding (I almost wrote bondage. Savemeimgoingtohell)
Anyway, this has been Shickzander with another lesson on Canadian culture Ftw!!!!
(Still haven't done the one on history have I?)

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