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This is a conversation between Arthur Kirkland and yourself, Matthew Williams.

Matthew Williams: how are you

Arthur Kirkland : Hm?....oh, hello Mattew, and pretty well, thank you..

Matthew Williams: That's god *Looks away and sighs*

Arthur Kirkland : Is something wrong?

Matthew Williams: Yeah...

Arthur Kirkland : *he frowned, making a spot beside him* what is it?

Matthew Williams: Well...There's this guy...

Arthur Kirkland : *he nodded*

Matthew Williams: And I really like him...

Arthur Kirkland : And you want advice, right?

Matthew Williams: Yeah...

Arthur Kirkland : It really makes me feel good that you came to me, Okay, so, are you close with him?

Matthew Williams: Not really...

Arthur Kirkland : Hmm......I say...try and get closer with him, and when you think your close enough, tell him how you feel..

Matthew Williams: I'm scared to

Arthur Kirkland : Alright, why don't you tell artie who it is

Matthew Williams: It's...Gilbert...

Arthur Kirkland : ((Omg! I knew it!)) Gilbert? like that los- I mean, you just have to go for it...

Matthew Williams: Wait what?

Arthur Kirkland : Just, like I said, get closer with....him.......and then go for it...

Matthew Williams: I dunno...He has a lot of other friends and I don't really have a reason to talk to him

Arthur Kirkland : Look *he made you look into his eyes, as his eyes sparkled* just... trust me, Mattew

Matthew Williams: Um...Arthur

Arthur Kirkland : *he moved away a bit* yeah?

Matthew Williams: Is there somebody...that you like?

Arthur Kirkland : *he shrugged* I've liked a few people, but, I gave up on love, but, somehow it still finds its way to get to me

Matthew Williams: Yeah?

Arthur Kirkland : Yeah

Matthew Williams: You and Francis were good together

Arthur Kirkland : I suppose

Matthew Williams: I think he still loves you

Arthur Kirkland : You think? *he coughed* I I care...

Matthew Williams: He does

Arthur Kirkland : I-......this isn't about me,...this is about you and Gilbert...

Matthew Williams: Oh yeah...

Arthur Kirkland : *now his mind was full of old good memories of him and Francis' relationship, and he shook his head*

Matthew Williams: Well...How do you think i should talk to him?

Arthur Kirkland : Just, ask him normal questions, like, what's your favorite color...simple stuff like that..

Matthew Williams: But I need to know how to start the conversation...

Arthur Kirkland : Do what you did for me, just ask I'm how he is...

Matthew Williams: I'm nervous...

Arthur Kirkland : *he smiled and kissed your forehead* go get em Tigger

Matthew Williams: Tigger? Because Winnie the Pooh was based off a canadian concept?

Arthur Kirkland : *he sighed* no.. that's not why.... just, go talk to him...

Matthew Williams: I'll do it later

Arthur Kirkland : Why later?

Matthew Williams: Because we barely get to hang out...and he

Matthew Williams: 's at work right now

Arthur Kirkland : Oh, i see

Matthew Williams: So...I have to wait until he gets home.

Arthur Kirkland : *he stood up* well, Alfred isn't here, you want something to drink..

Matthew Williams: Sure.

Arthur Kirkland : *he walked into the kitchen, and sighed

Arthur Kirkland : *

Matthew Williams: Something wrong?

Arthur Kirkland : Hm?......oh, no

Matthew Williams: Ah....

Arthur Kirkland : *he brought you a can of pop* here *he sat down*

Matthew Williams: Thanks

Arthur Kirkland : No problem

Matthew Williams: *He opens the pop and takes a sip*

Arthur Kirkland : *he drank a bit of his tea*

Matthew Williams: So...I was thinking...

Arthur Kirkland : *he looked at you*........ mhm?...

Matthew Williams: What if i staged some kind of accidental meet up...

Arthur Kirkland : What are you talking about?

Matthew Williams: With Gilbert....

Arthur Kirkland : That sounds like a good idea

Matthew Williams: Can yyou help me?

Arthur Kirkland : Sure

Matthew Williams: Great! You're a good pal.

Arthur Kirkland : *he smiled*

Matthew Williams: *He takes another sip of his pop*

Arthur Kirkland : *he stared off into soace*

Matthew Williams: So...Do you remember when we used to watch Doctor who together

Arthur Kirkland : Of course I do

Matthew Williams: We should go back to doing that

Arthur Kirkland : Yeah, you know, I still remember you and Alfred being tiny little baby's...

Matthew Williams: We were cute.

Arthur Kirkland : Adorable

Matthew Williams: But alfred was too energetic

Arthur Kirkland : He tired me out all the time, I remember when Alfred cried, whenever I felt the house...

Matthew Williams: He had abandonment problems ever since his pet bunny died.

Arthur Kirkland has left the conversation.

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