Chapter 1

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Tris POV:
I groan as I hear 'She Looks So Perfect' plays on my phone telling me it's that dreaded time to get up and get ready for school. I get up and take a 15 min shower and pick out my clothes for the day. I pick out a black crop top that says ' Thug Life' in gold writing dark navy blue faded skinny jeans, with black combat boots. I brush my teeth then I put on some kinda dark eye shadow to bring out my hazel eyes and some mascara. I straighten my long blonde hair so it comes down to the middle of my back. I grab my phone and stick it in my back pocket and I grab my Ferrari keys, I know what your thinking how can I highschooler have enough money for a brand spanking new 2015 black Ferrari, well my dad is rich like a billionaire or something, anyways he had a lot of money and everyone loves him but me. I pick up my school stuff and run downstairs. I grab a poptart to take it with me. I run out to my car and pull out of my driveway. At one point I'm at a stop light blasting 'Cheerleader by Omi' when all of a sudden I see a Toyota Camry 2012 pull up next to me. I hear two guys wolf whistle over my loud music. I roll my eyes and look at them and see them staring at me and I blush slightly. The light turns green and I speed off leaving them in the dust, I pull into the school parking lot and park next to a tall maple tree. It's the first day of school for everyone at Divergent High. I'm a new student I just recently moved here from Kentucky (I would just like to say that Kentucky ain't boring and writing this it'll be hard to use proper English and not use my southern accent and words we talk with haha). Me, my dad, and my older brother Caleb all now live in Chicago. We moved here over the summer because my dad got a job offer and he took it. My mom would be with us but she died from a "attempt at robbery and the robbers took violence into action". I get out of my Ferrari and I see a lot of people staring, mostly guys, at me and my car. I lock it and I yell to all the guys that are listening "if any of you touch tthis car and you leave a scrach on it you WILL pay for it!! Am I clear?!" they all agree and I smirk and walk inside and find the office to get my schedule. I walk inside and to the front desk the lady there asks "how may I help you miss?"
"I would like my schedule please"
"Beatrice Prior, I go by Tris though"she goes through some papers then finds one and hands it to me
"Here you go Tris"
"Thank you" I give her a small smile and look at my schedule it says
Locker# 246
Homeroom~ Mr. McNabb
Math~ Mrs. Parker
Spanish~ Mr. Delarosa
Science~ Ms. Matthews
Social studies~ Mr. Eaton
Art~ Mrs. Wu
Music~ Mrs. Wu
Gym~ Coach Amar
That doesn't look like too bad of a schedule. I start walking to try and find my locker while I'm looking down at my schedule. Next thing I know I bump into someone and drop all of my stuff and I fall in the floor. "I'm so sorry I wasn't looking where I was going" I say then I look up and realize that I ran into a boy, he's really tall he has short black brown hair and mesmerizing deep blue eyes almost like a ocean, he also looks like he works out a lot. "Don't worry about it I wasn't either" he says, he has a deep voice too. He stands up and helps me up. I smile at him for being so nice. Then I start to pick up my things, next thing I know he's right down there with me picking up my stuff. We both stand up and he hands me my things and I take them. "So what's your name? I'm Tris" I say
Then he says "well my name is Four"
"That's different"
"Yeah it is, anyways I've never seen you around here before are you new?"
"Yeah me and my family moved here from Kentucky over the summer."

"Ahh cool, let me see your schedule"I hand him my schedule and he looks at it then his and says "we have all the same classes so I can show you around today and my locker is two down from yours #249"
"Awesome, thanks for being so nice to me"
"No problem, so what do you say we go to our lockers then you can meet my friends, sound good?"
"Sure" he starts walking and I walk beside him then he points to a locker and says "this is your locker, mine is here" I open my locker and put in my things leaving my math book and notebook in my hands. Four does the same we close are lockers then he says "we usually meet up at the big maple tree outside" I smirk because I know everyone will be staring at my car. We start walking and go to the tree. Sure enough I was right but it was just the guys and one girl out of 7 people. I recognize two of the guys, they were the ones that wolf whistled at me at the stop light. They all look over at us giving me a look like who are you "guys this is Tris, Tris this is Uriah, Zeke, Will, Lynn, Shauna, Marlene, and Christina." Four says pointing to everyone. Then I say "nice to meet you all, so anyways I'm guessing you guys and Lynn like my car huh?" they all stare at me their jaws dropped Four does the same. Then Uriah says "oh my god that is right you were the one at the stop light that me and Zeke saw and you were blasting Cheerleader by Omi" then I say "guilty as charged" and shrug.
"1. Great song choice 2. How do you have this car?"
"Well my dad is super rich like a billionaire or something like that and, but please don't treat me differently, and if you are all just going to he my friends because I'm rich, then I'm going to leave right now, so which is it?" I ask then Zeke says "we would never do that it's really cool that you have this car you should take us for a ride sometime and we will be your friends by your personality, and I'm pretty sure you'll fit in cause I heard you yell at all the guys this morning that were staring at you and your car"
"Alright good"I walk over to the girls that are talking and the guys are talking too then Christina sequels and busts my ear drum then I say "umm Chris are you okay?" and she says "1. I love that nickname no one has ever called me that. 2. Yes I'm fine I can just tell by the way Four looks at you that he likes you" I blush a little then I check the time and say to the squad "umm guys it's like 7:57" they groan then we walk inside and to class and Four shows me where our homeroom is and Uriah and Zeke are in this one too. We all four sit and talk they ask questions about me and I answer them. Then the bell rings and me and Four go to math. The next classes go by fast then it's time for lunch. I go through the line and get a bottle of water, a cheese burger with lettuce and tomato on it, french fries and a piece of cake, because Four made me get it he said it's amazing.

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