Chapter 17

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Tris P.O.V

After me and Four got off of the phone I found a number for the Training Room and called them. Now I have self defense classes once a week on Saturdays or until I feel like I don't need them anymore.

After that's set I get up and go to the bathroom, tomorrow is Monday so I've got school and I need to shower. I Snapchat Luke back, we've already started a streak just by talking so much, then I hook my phone up to my speaker. I go to spotify and go to my playlist of Awesome songs with over 200 songs on it, I have a problem. I start it and strip and hop in the shower.

Once I'm done I turn off the water and get out. I dry off and put my hair in a towel. I walk in my room and change into some shorts and one of Caleb's shirts he didn't like so I stole it, and he's taller than me so it's big on me. Is it weird that I never blow dry my hair before I go to bed? Well I'm lazy don't judge me.

I go unhook my phone from the speaker and turn it off. I Snapchat Luke back again asking him if he wants to FaceTime. While I wait for his response I lock my phone and brush my teeth. While I'm brushing my teeth Luke calls me on FaceTime and I answer. "Hello?"

"What are you doing?"

"Brushing my teeth." I look in the mirror and see a slight bruise starting to form from where my dad slapped me earlier. Great I'll have to cover that up tomorrow.

"Ohhhhh." he keeps talking till I'm done.

"Sooo what are you doing?"

"Oh ya know same old same old"

"Yeahhhhh I don't really know what to talk about" I laugh.

"Well if you don't then I really don't"

We ended up finding something to talk about then we just talked for a long time and I didn't know how late it was till I checked the time and saw that it was 2 am.

"Luke! It's 2am"


"So? We have school tomorrow."

"Oh wellllll we'll be fineeee."

"Righttttt well I'm going to bed night Lukey."

"Night Trissy" I hang up the call, plug up my phone, turn my lamp off, and lay down to sleep.

I hear my alarm going off and I groan and hit it till it shuts up. Stupid Luke made me stay up late. After a bit I get out of bed and go pee then brush my teeth. I walk out and try to decide what to wear today.

I pick out a white crop top, black jeans ripped at the knees, a red flannel to tie around my waist, and I get out my Green Day phone case and bracelet. I get dressed then put on deodorant and brush my hair then straighten it. I cover the bruise on my cheek the best I can with some makeup. I slip on my bracelet and switch phone cases. Then I slip on my white converse.

I look at myself one last time in the mirror, then spray on some of my perfume grab my keys and phone and walk out.

I go downstairs and get a banana then walk to the mustang.

The drive to school was alright the music on the radio was good and I ditched my banana peel out the window not long after I pulled out, I felt like I was playing Mario Kart or something.

I pull into the parking lot and park, I get out and lock my car and walk into school. Everyone had seen the picture at least once and they can think what they want I know what happened.

People are giving me strange looks I just ignore them and walk to my locker to get my things for Math and my sketch book and go on to class and just sit and draw till class starts.

I don't even go to lunch I just decide to sit in the art room, Ms. Wu has already told me that I can come in here anytime as long as I don't have to be in another class she like loves me, so I decide to get a canvas some of the old crayons that no one uses the painters tape and the hair dryer that some people in the higher art classes use. I put my hair in a high pony tail and get to work after I put some plastic down.

A little while later Four walks in and taps on my shoulder and scares the crap out of me and I jump.

"You scared the crap out of me!"

He laughs "Sorry but whatcha doin?"

"Making a melted crayon thingyyy"

"It looks cool"


"Have you ate?"

"Not since a banana this morning"

"You should eat something"

"I'm not hungryyyyy" Just when I say that my stomach growels.

"Yeah right, I'll go get you some pizza."

"Some water too?"

"Yeah, anything else?"

"Nope that's it, thank youuuuu"

"Yeah yeah" I smile as he walks out then I get back to work.

When he gets back in about half way done. I eat and work but make sure I'm done eating before lunch is over but I keep working even though people start walking in I wait to stop when the bell rings.

I'm putting everything up when everyone starts walking in and everything is up before Ms. Wu walks in.

After class she talks to me briefly about how cool it looks and tells me  that I can work on it whenever I want want, I thank her and go to my next class. Well I would already be in class if someone hadn't called me a slut and threw all my stuff in the floor right before the bell rang.

I sigh and get in the floor to start picking my stuff up and I look at the tiny thin white scars on my wrists, I shake my head and get my stuff picked up. Ms. Wu understands when I tell her that someone bumped into me and then helped me pick up my stuff. A few people snicker cause they know what actually happened and when I walk by them they whisper and call me other things like a whore and a skank. Isn't that lovely.

You have no idea how happy I was when that clock struck 3 I was so ready to get out of that hell hole. When I get to my car I just about cry someone Keyed it and put Slutty Skank on it. My dad is going to kill me wait no he'll probably just say it's true that's why I'm not going to pay for it to be fixed. Oh how original they drew an arrow pointing to the drivers seat I'm so done. I literally lay on the grass under the tree I'm not going home.

"Even though you're laying there totally done with everything you still manage to look amazing" I open my eyes and see Luke standing over me.

"Oh hey"

"Hey" he lays next to me and looks up at the clouds.

Guys I'm terrible about updating I'm really sorry because this is like almost a year after chapter 16 and I'm really sorry but I hope you guys like it and I'm going to try and get back into working on this story I hope you guys can understand.

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