Chapter 10

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Tris's POV

I look over at them and see......Four. I can't believe he saved me.

"W-why did you save m-me?" I ask him my voice cracking.

"Why are you crying?" he asks me wiping away my tears.

"Well I-I almost got raped aga..."

"You almost got raped what?"

"Again" his eyes go wide like a deer in headlights.

"Again? You mean that you've been raped before?" I nod slowly more tears falling. He wipes them away again "So that picture that's going around on instagram that was the first time you were raped wasn't it?" I nod again more tears falling down my face. "Shhhhh don't cry Tris" he stands up and picks me up bridal style.

"What are you doing?" I ask him

"I'm taking you to my house" he says casually like it's not big deal

"What about my car?"

"I was going to drive it if you don't mind"

"What about your car it would be here"

"Shhh don't worry about it darlin'" oh dear Lord I think my heart just skipped a beat

"O-okay" I pull out my keys and hand them to him. He unlocks my car and sets me in the passenger seat. He closes my door, gets in the driver's seat and starts the car.

"So you're taking me to your house?" I ask him

"Yeah it'll make me feel better if your there and not at your house"

"Me too" I mumble


He pulls into his driveway, turns off my car and gets out. He walks over to my side, opens the door, and picks me up again.

"I can walk" I tell him

"I know" My cheeks turn bright red at his statement meaning he wants to carry me.

He closes the door with one arm (how he's holding me with one arm I have no idea) and he walks to the porch and through the front door.

I look around the house it looks really nice but my questions is why are the lights on?

"Are your parents awake? Cause the lights are on"

"Probably, don't worry I'll take you to my room and come down here and tell them why your here"

"Don't tell them I've been raped before though please"

"Alright" He walks up the stairs still carrying me. Once at the top of the stairs he turns right. He carries me into a room, when he turns the light on I look around his room. It looks really cool and matches his personality some how.

He sets me down on his bed and walks to his dresser and pulls out a shirt and some basketball shorts. "These are the smallest ones I have sorry if they're too big" he hands them to me

"Its okay" I smile a little and take them

"You go to the bathroom and change and I'll go talk to my parents" he walks out. I get up and walk to the bathroom connected to his room. I strip and put on the clothes Four gave me. He was right they're really big on me but they are comfortable.

I wash my face hoping he won't mind and walk back into his room.

Four's POV

I walk out of my bedroom door and down the stairs to the living room. Sure enough I see my parents sitting on the couch watching the news. My dad is actually Mr. Eaton his first name is Mark and my mother's name is Evelyn Eaton.

I sit down on a chair close to the couch causing them both to look my direction. "Did you have fun at the party?" mom asks

"Oh yeah but I have a friend upstairs can she stay the night please. I went to Wal-Mart after I left the party and a group of guys where around her and if I didn't stop them they would have raped her. Can she stay here just for the night please" I explain the situation and ask watching theirs expressions.

"What's her name?" dad asks me

"Tris Prior"

"Ahh yes she may stay she can stay however long she needs just don't do anything we trust you"

"Alright thank you. I'm going to bed night love you both" I kiss my mother's cheek and walk upstairs.

Yes I know this is a really short chapter and I'm sooooooo sorry it took me so long to update I've had drama going on and other stuff I've had to go to BUT here I am! It's summer break for me so I will hopefully be updating more of I get the chances to love all y'all! If you're still reading this story you're awesomeness I'll update ASAP

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