Chapter 15

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Tris's POV

It's about 3pm now on a Sunday and what am I doing? I'm sitting in a booth in a café called Candor Café. It's honestly pretty creepy, all the workers are in black and white and are all brutally honest. Like a few tables away the waitress basically told the customer that they were stupid. This place reminds me of that video that was on Facebook where these people were at a restaurant and the waitress was like a complete bitch. Anyways, this place is creepy. And don't ask me about the name cause I have no idea. I was curious though so I searched up the definition on google, and it said this: Candor- Noun, the state or quality of being frank, open, and sincere in speech. Welp that explains it.

Anyways, after I ran from my own house my back started hurting from all the pressure and stress from running so I decided to stop. I saw this place and I came in. I've had a few glasses of water and some cheesy fries but other than that that's it. All of them have texted and called me many times and I haven't answered any of them. I realllyyy wish I had brought a book cause I'm sooooo bored, oh well tho.

After about 15 calls later I answer one from Luke. "Hello?"

"TRIS!" they all shout in my ear making me go temporarily deaf.

"Damn guys don't make me lose my hearing." they're all buzzing with questions I just ignore them and pay the bill then walk outside. "Okay now then one at a time."

"Where are you?" Dr. Fluke asks me

"Well Doctor Fluke I am in the parking-lot of a cafe called Candor Cafe."

"Are you okay?" - Cal Pal

"Yes Cal Pal I am fine."

"When are you gonna come back?" - Mike-ro-wave

"I dunno Mike-ro-wave, I dunno."

"Do you want us to come and get you?" - SmAsh!

"Do you guys even know where I am at SmAsh?"

"I know where you're at." -Zeke

"Stalker much Zeke?"

" Nah I've been there before."

"Alright I guess y'all can come and get me if you wanna."

"We will be there in ten." They hang up the phone on me, how rude. Oh well. I shrug and walk across the parking lot to sit under a tree to wait.

After about 30 minutes I see Zeke driving pulling into the parking lot. I roll my eyes ten minutes my ass. I get up and walk to the car as I get closer I see Luke sitting in the front next to Zeke and the other three goofballs crammed in the back seat. I open the door to the back and see exactly how crammed they are, it's actually really funny. "So where am I supposed to sit?"

"Just sit on one of their laps and lets go." Zeke says it sounds like he's pissed off.

"Okay grumpy." I climb in and end up sitting on Ashton's lap. I whisper to him "I'm sorry."

"Umm for what?" He questions looking confused.

"For having to sit on you, I'm sure its uncomfortable. Cause I'm fat and all ya know."

"You're not fat Tris." I just shrug and lean back against him closing my eyes.

As soon as Zeke pulls into the driveway I climb out and start toward but I see a certain car in the driveway, my fathers. Weellllll shit.

"Guys you all have to go like now." I tell them all trying to not sound scared.

"Ummm why?" Mikey asks me.

"Cause I just remembered that I have to go and do something and I don't think y'all would want to stay here by yourselves." I bite the inside of my cheek nervously.

"Umm okaayyy but if you need anything give one of us a call." Luke says smiling a little.

"Alright I will bye guys." I hug them all and wave as they walk away. I look over and see that Zeke has already parked in his driveway and went inside. I think it's safe now. I walk to the front door and slowly walk in, trying to be quiet, I tiptoe to the stairs and just as I am about to start up the stairs the devil himself appears at the top of them.

"Where have you been?"He questions.

"Out with some friends."

"By friends do you mean fakers? Cause I mean who would want to be your friend or even have anything to do with you."

"Yeah you're probably right, but oh well."

"Don't you get smart with me missey. I can and will put you in your place."

"Yes sir." He walks the rest of the day down the stairs and I go up them. HOLY SHIT HE DIDN'T BEAT ME THIS IS GREAT!! I knock on the wood railing just in case though.

Once I'm at the top of the stairs I go to my room and grab the book I'm reading "An Abundance Of Katherines by John Green" and I climb out my window and down the tree. Once I'm down the tree I walk to the park.

Once I'm at the park I walk towards A tree with some shade. This park is next to the lake and so is the tree so I sit facing the lake.I take in the view then I start to read.

After a few hours of reading I look up and see someone standing in front of me.

"Can I help you?" He just shrugs and sits next to me.

"What are you reading?"

"An Abundance of Katherine's by John Green."

"Is it good?"

"Yeah it's really good like the main character is more a nerd type I guess then someone who is popular and it just reminds me of me I guess."

"Ah cool."

"Yeah anyways my name is Tris, what's your name stranger?"

"Hi Tris, my name is Ethan." it safe? Look y'all I'm sooooooooooooo so so sooo sorry my phone fugged up again and it's been out of order lol anyways I'm here and with a new chapter so there ya go

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Peace from the Turtle Queen 🐢👑✌

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