Chapter 5

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I realize that in the last chapter I said that her dad is Marcus but her last name is Prior and that Mr. Eaton creeps her out but you'll see soon.

Jeriann's POV

My alarm clock goes off and I jolt up to get ready. I'm so happy I get to see my best friend again! I haven't seen her since May and it's been killing me!

Tris's POV

I'm woken up by my stupid alarm clock so I get up and walk to the bathroom. I go ahead and brush my teeth. After I do that I take a shower.

Once I'm all cleanly I dry myself off and then put my hair into the towel. I walk out of my bathroom and into my room. I put on a bra and underwear then walk to my closet to decide on what to wear.

I decide on my batman tanktop, black ripped skinny jeans, and my leather jacket.

I take my hair down from the towel and get dressed.

I walk to my vanity and brush my hair, dry it, brush it again, then straighten it.

I put in my Batman earrings and a silver skull necklace around my neck. I put on some mascara and stop not bothering to do anything else to my face.

I grab some black combat boots and sit on my bed and put them on. I walk to my full body mirror look at myself then spray bath and body works truly yours on myself.

I grab my phone, wallet, car keys, and school stuff and walk downstairs and out the door to my mustang. I like my mustang better than my Ferrari so I drive it way more.

I get in my car and drive to school. When I get there I park get out and lock my car.

My phone vibrates I look at it and see I have a message from Jeriann

Jeriann🎤🐢- hey I'll be at your house around 6

I text her back: alright bring clothes for a party we are going to a party at Uriah and Zeke's house cause Christina is making me😬

Jeriann🎤🐢- 😂😂okay see you then love you best friend

Me: love you too

"Who do you love too?" I jump and turn around and see a smirking guy that I haven't seen before he has curly brown hair and hazel eyes and he's really tall

"Who are you? I may be new here but I haven't seen you before"

"I'm Ashton Irwin and you are pretty lady?" I notice he has an Australian accent which is really hot

I blush slightly "oh I'm Tris Prior and to answer your question I was texting my best friend back in Kentucky"

"Ohhh well I moved here a few weeks ago but I'm just starting school here today. You know what's funny?"


"My friends or well brothers moved here with me"


"All of our dad's work together and they all got an offer to work here so they all took it"


"Yeah well I better go find them nice talking to you Tris see ya around"

"Alright bye Ashton see ya" he smiles and walks away. I walk to the group standing by the big maple tree. When I get there Four, Uriah, and Zeke are all staring at me like they want answers. "Oh jeez what do y'all want to know?"

"Who was that guy?" Four says his voice deeper than usual. I roll my eyes

"Oh my god that was Ashton he moved here with his friends well his brothers cause all of their dad's work together and they all got an offer to take a job here and they all took it"

"Alright and why was he talking to you" Uriah says on edge

"Well I guess he saw me walked up to me saw me texting Jeriann cause he asked who I love too and then we just had a small friendly conversation. Why do all three of you look like your going to kill someone now?"

"Cause they all don't like Ashton." chrissy says standing next to me. I giggle and shake my head.

I walk inside and head to my locker. I open and start to switch out my stuff.

"Hey Tris!" I turn around and see Ashton walking towards me with three other guys with him. Before I know all four of the super tall guys are standing next to me.

"Hey Ashton" I look at the guys and take in their looks they are all really good looking and all really tall one has blonde hair that's in a quiff and amazing blue eyes. Another one has his hair dyed and it's white and black and his eyes are green. And the other one has brown hair with dark brown eyes.

"Alright guys this is Tris and Tris this is Luke Hemmings, Michael Clifford, and Calum Hood my brothers" Ashton says pointing to them all.

"Hey guys I'm Tris"

Short chapter I know sorry but I'll try and update when I can

~stay classy~ ^~^

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