Chapter 4 <4

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Hey guys so sorry it has took me so long to update I've just been really busy I'll try and start updating way more often
Tris P.O.V.
I wake up with my alarm going off. I turn it off and get up. I walk to the bathroom and take a 30 minute shower. I get out and dry my hair and brush it and curl it slightly making it wavy. I put on a galaxy crop top some black ripped skinny jeans and galaxy converse. I put on some makeup so my eyes have a goldish Smokey eye. (Tris's outfit above) I brush my teeth and go into my room picking up my things and sticking my phone in my back pocket. I walk downstairs and outside skipping breakfast. I get in my light blue 2015 mustang and drive to school.
I park in the school parking lot and get out and lock my car. I walk inside and go to my locker. I unlock it and get my stuff out of it for math.

I start to walk to class when some guy I don't recognize pushes me against a wall. Hard. I wince cause of my scars on my back.He grabs my wrists and holds them in one hand. He forcefully starts to kiss me as he feels me up. I struggle against his grip and I finally manage to get out of his grip and I knee him in his manhood and punch him in the face. He groans and falls to the floor. I see Four rush over and he looks pissed.

"Tris! What are you doing?! Why did you punch Peter, Lynn's boyfriend, in the face!?" he yells at me
"Well guess what he ain't very Damn faithful to Lynn! Also I punched him cause he pushed me against the wall and started forcfully kissing me and he was feeling me up with one hand and holding my wrists in the other! Now if you would excuse me I have a class to get to." I sigh and walk to class and sit down.

The squad comes in about 10 minutes later and sit around me. I ignore them and keep drawing. They keep trying I talk to me and I finally give in and say "guys look I know you all probably hate me right now for punching and kneeing Peter and if that's so that is perfectly fine it wouldn't be a first so if you're all here to just tell me off then just save it and leave me alone"

They stay silent for a few minutes then Four speaks up "Tris look I'm really sorry I went off on you like that I had no idea what had happened."

I look up at him "it's fine it was just my defense kicking in" they nod and I look at Lynn "I'm sorry about Peter but at least we know that he's not the one for you cause if he was then he wouldn't have been such a Jack ass to you" she gives me a small smile and I smile back

Mr. McNabb walks in and takes attendance. He says that we can talk till it's time to go to our classes.

"So Tris tell us what Kentucky is like" Will says looking around the group
"Yea please Trissy" Marlene says

I sigh "Fineeeee. Alright well Kentucky is just amazing I love it so much. The seasons are obvious spring usually in the 60s, summer usually from 75 to 100, fall 60s and 70s, and winter can be as low as -5 and as warm as 50 depending on the weather like duh. Anyways Kentucky is always gorgeous year round. Anymore you want to know?"

"Yeah tell us more about you and what you do for fun in Kentucky" Four says to me.

"Alright well, as you can see I'm really short like 5'1 or something. I have long blonde hair. Hazel eyes that can change colors-"

"Your eyes can chage colors?!" the whole group says at once. Which is really creepy.

"That is what I just said ain't it" they nod and I keep talking "anyways I have a brother named Caleb. My mom died when I was 7. My dad is a famous author and works with The government so that's how I have my cars. My favorite colors are light blue and black. When I lived in Kentucky I did the obvious stuff ya know fishing shooting stuff but see in the summer I usually stayed with my cousins and my uncle is really cool. So when I stayed with them over the summers when we would drive down the back roads I would braid my hair out in my sunglasses and stick my head out of the sunroof while we turned the radio all the way up." I finish and they all stay quiet for a few minutes then Uriah says "Wait so your uncle would drive down the back roads and and he would let you stick your head out the sunroof and have the radio turned up all the way?" he looks astonished

"Yep" I say and they all stare at me like I'm crazy "hey don't judge it's super fun" they all slowly nod.

The bell rings and I stand up and get my things and walk to math.


The bell rings for lunch and I get up with my things and walk to my locker. I unlock my locker and put my stuff in there and shut it and walk to the cafeteria.

I get my food and sit down next to Christina. I start to eat the "food" that they call spaghetti. I meantally groan when I remeber that Marcus is going to be home Sunday night. I'm snapped out of my daydreaming when I see someone snapping their fingers in front of my face trying to get my attention
"Huh what?"
"As I was saying me and the girls are going to go shopping tomorrow" Christina says. I groan. I hate shopping.
"What fo-" I'm cut off by Zeke jumping up on the table and screaming in the cafeteria "PARTY AT ME AND URIAH'S HOUSE TOMORROW AT 8!!"
I look at Christina "is that the answer to my question?"
"Of course"
"Okay I'll go shopping but I'm not going to wear a dress" she groans and I add "if you want me to go shopping don't make me wear a dress, you can do my hair and make-up and pick out the outfit if I like it as long as it's not a dress" she thinks about this for a minute then nods.
"Alright fine"
"Oh yeah! My best friend back in Kentucky is coming up to visit me tomorrow so she is coming to the party too"
"What's her name?" Marlene asks me
"That's a cool name"
"I know right. She got it for her birthday" I smirk
She rolls her eyes and I laugh

I finish eating just as the bell rings. I stand up and pick up my tray and throw away the leftover stuff and I start to walk to social studies with creepy Mr. Eaton. He creeps me out.

I walk inside and stand against the wall He said he is giving us assigned seats today.

Mr. Eaton walks inside and tells us all where to sit. Four sits in front of me, Luke sits next to me in the left, Peter is on the right ( I don't like him he's a jerk), and Uriah is behind me. Grreeaaaattttttt I'm surrounded by guys and two of them can't leave me alone *cough cough* Luke and Peter *cough cough*

Mr. Eaton starts the lesson and I take notes.

During about the middle of the lesson I feel a hand on my right knee. I look down and see Peters hand resting on my knee.

I think Uriah notices cause he reaches over and moves Peter's arm and whispers something in his ear that I can't hear.


The last bell of the day finally rings. I walk to the girls locker room and change back into my normal clothes.

I walk out of the locker room with Christina and Marlene.
"Soooo Trissy has anything happened between you and Uriah because at lunch he didn't stop staring at you?" Marlene asks suspiciously and I blush

"Umm maybe........fine yeah I went to his house yesterday cause him and Zeke are my neighbors. I looked out my window and saw Uriah and I scared him and he helped me into his room and he just well kissed me. Then we went to scare Zeke, and we did he fell off of his bed." I tell them as we walk towards the parking lot.

"Awwww!! That's adorable even though you two only met yesterday" Christina says happily

"Yeah well I got to go guys see you tomorrow. Oh and since tomorrow is Friday when are we going shopping?"

"Tomorrow after school"

"Alright bye guys" I wave to them

"Cya" the say at the same time and wave back they're creepy when they do that.

I get in my mustang and I fix my phone so I can play music from it on the radio in the car and I play Becky From The Block by Becky G and I turn up the radio super loud. I pull out of the parking lot and drive home. I dont understand why they start the school year on a Wednesday it makes no sense. Oh well tomorrow is Friday and I cant wait to see Jeriann I haven't seen her since May at the end of the school year last year and I miss her soooooo much.

Again I'm super sorry this took so long I'll make sure to publish waayyyyy faster next time I've been busy I love all my readers (like I have any😂😂) anyways hope you like this chapter

~Stay classy~ ^~^

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