Chapter 2- death is but the next great adventure

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Chapter 2- '...death is but the next great adventure'

Panting, Snape sprinted towards the Whomping Willow, hoping that Voldemort wouldn't realise how long it took him to answer his summon. As he walked towards the door of the main bedroom, he could hear- feel the presence of the Dark Lord's many Death Eaters, congregating in excitement. The image disgusted Snape so much so that he didn't even realise he was feeling sympathy for the boy. 

"Ah, at last Snape- I don't see the boy with you." Voldemort looked livid as he immediately captured Snape's eyes, apparently doing some vicious Legilimency. Snape remained as calm as possible, trying to stop the worry, anxiety and fear from taking over his mind. He needed to remain calm and indifferent. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Voldemort tore his eyes away from Snape's; he seemed satisfied that he was not being lied to. 

"Enlighten me with the pathetic reason as to why the boy isn't with you."  

"I spent the last half an hour looking for Potter, but with so many fighters, it was impossible to find him, my Lord. Please allow me to go back and-" Snape stopped speaking when he saw the evil grin violently spreading across his master's face. 

"No Snape, you shall not leave my sight again for I have learnt that you are incapable of capturing the boy. So, for failing to obey orders, I think we'd," indicating his Death Eaters, "love to see you punished. And of course, as you know, I delight punishing wrongdoers." Although Voldemort was smiling, none of the other Death Eaters mimicked his expression except Bellatrix, who seemed greatly amused by her master's fetish for brutal punishment. Snape, on the other hand, felt his heart racing inside his chest, sweat building up on his palms and wished the Dark Lord would skip the punishment and cut to the chase- death. 

"But before I get started, there is one other thing I must take care of." As Voldemort raised his wand, Snape was prepared to be hit with the Cruciatus curse, but was somewhat relieved when Voldemort pressed the point of the wand to his own throat and muttered, "Sonorous." 

"Harry Potter! I am surprised at your selfishness! You have let many of your fellow fighters die at the hand of my Death Eaters without even showing up for the battle yourself! I am tired of waiting! I give you half an hour to meet me in the dark forest. If you choose not to show up, I will enter the fray myself! You know I have no mercy!" A few screams echoed around Hogwarts grounds, undoubtedly people feared even more for their lives, now that Voldemort may be joining the battle. 

Voldemort spun around to face Snape again, his red eyes gleaming in the wand light of his fellow Death Eaters who had lighted their wands upon entering the shack. Snape normally prided himself on his ability to keep an indifferent facial expression but somehow that mechanism was failing him at present. Snape knew he would be severely tortured for not capturing Harry Potter and couldn't believe he had sacrificed his life and sanity for the boy he has loathed for nearly seven years. 

"I hope this will remind you that no one fails to obey my orders and gets away with it! CRUCIO!" 

Snape began to writhe on the hard wooden floor as if having a seizure. Even though he had been tortured by his master before, it was never this painful. Usually he would be able to keep reasonably composed: grinding his teeth and groaning quietly, but at this moment, such composure was impossible. Snape began to scream and for many of the Death Eaters, they were witnessing a distressing moment. Although, many of the people in the room had watched several of their peers being tortured at the hand of the Dark Lord, none of them had ever seen Snape interact with their master, let alone tortured under the Cruciatus curse. Seeing their spy, Voldemort's upper-hand follower being tortured was an eye-opener, a daunting, somewhat traumatizing sight to witness. 

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