Chapter 4- There are things worth dying for

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Chapter 4- '... there are things worth dying for.'

"Ladies and gentlemen, we are gathered here today to farewell two of the bravest and talented people to fight against He-who-must-not-be-named. Of course I am referring to Nymphadora and Remus Lupin. Together they gave birth to their son Teddy, and ensured that he had the best life they could afford him before they were both tragically killed during the Battle at Hogwarts. So, what can we say about Nymphadora? Well firstly, she would be jumping on me if she were here, demanding that I call her Tonks," the minister paused for laughter, but only a few smiles appeared. "We all loved Tonks, if not for her bubbly personality or kind nature, then for her excellent Auror skills, despite her clumsiness." The minister chuckled to himself quietly. "I do not think any of us will forget her metamorphagus abilities, especially her pink, bubblegum coloured hair and the way she would entertain others by changing her appearance. Her smile and laughter will always be remembered; she was strong, brave and extremely intelligent- a wonderful friend and fighter till the very end." The minister looked up from his paper and saw a sea of faces, frowning, sobbing or otherwise looking at him blankly as if unable to comprehend his speech at all. But the minister was used to this reaction from mourners when they said goodbye to their loved ones. He sincerely hoped his speech was so far doing Tonks justice. 

Clearing his throat, the man continued. 

"Remus John Lupin was a kind, gentle and supportive friend who gave comfort and advice to those who needed it. Although it was greatly unfortunate that Remus was bitten by a werewolf when he was a young boy, for many of us, this affliction did not matter; he was still our friend and an amazing fighter for the Order of the Phoenix. It was through this organisation, founded by Albus Dumbledore, that Tonks and Remus met and although their relationship was instigated by Tonks, the feeling ultimately became mutual and passionate. I have been told that many here today, encouraged Remus to date Tonks, as his only reservation was his werewolf condition. It is perhaps their decision to marry that would remain with me the longest; not because it was, as many may argue, a foolish decision, but because they actively showed that it didn't matter to them. They demonstrated that love can truly prevail over prejudice, discrimination and unfair judgment, that werewolves are human beings and deserve respect. For those of us who knew them, we were delighted by their marriage, considering them to be a perfect, happy couple despite their age differences and contrasting upbringings. Getting married at a time when the Dark Lord was still at large made us grateful that something so normal and delightful could occur during such a time. It saddens me that the pair of them did not get to raise their son, Teddy to the very end because all of us here know that they would have been great parents who would have demonstrated the values of love, fairness and understanding towards their child everyday. It is people like Tonks and Remus who make our world a better place and if they were still alive I am sure they would be tremendous ambassadors for all that is fair and just. But more than that, we will miss them for all that they have shown us: that love really conquers all that is evil or unjust and for that, we thank them from the bottom of our hearts. Remember Tonks and Remus for all that they were as individuals and as a couple. Perhaps they would be remembered most for their part in the defeat against You-know-who or for their son, of whom they raised so brilliantly up until their deaths. But I- I will remember them for fighting and tragically dying in pursuit of a better place for their child and the children of the next generation to grow up in. Their determination to rid the world of all that is dark and prejudiced, fighting for a kinder, more just place reminds me that although their deaths were tragic and perhaps unnecessary, they felt that there were some things worth dying for. And I can't help but agree with them." 

Silence seemed to echo around the field, rows upon rows of chairs were set out, flowers surrounding the area, the graves of Remus and Tonks in the distance. No one spoke, only an occasional sniffle sounded every now and then. The minister didn't quite know what to make of the situation; normally someone would take over from him, but no one seemed willing to leave their seats. Realising that Tonks and Remus must have truly been wonderful people he felt deeply sorry for the hundred or so men and women sitting before him. Fidgeting slightly, the man decided to descend the stairs and walk to the side of the area so that hopefully someone would feel free to speak next. As he quietly walked away from the podium, he saw the boy who he knew to be Harry Potter sitting next to a young lady with red hair, who was crying quietly on his shoulder. Harry had his arms wrapped around the girl, trying to comfort her, but it did not seem to be helping as the girl continued to weep.  

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